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Presentation on theme: "RAPID SEQUENCE INTUBATION"— Presentation transcript:

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2 Basic Airway Care and Oxygenation
Basic airway care begins with assessment. -- look, listen and feel -- upper airway ; lower airway Upper airway obstruction is relieved with head tilt and chin lift, or if neck movement is contraindicated, jaw thrust. Oropharyngeal airway or a nasopharyngeal airway Pre-oxygenation provide a reservoir of oxygen to limit desaturation during drug-induced apnea for intubation

3 Rapid Sequence Intubation
Definition: Administration of a potent induction agent (anaesthetics) followed by a rapidly acting neuromuscular blocking agent (usually suxamethonium) to induce unconsciousness and motor paralysis for tracheal intubation. Assumed that the patient has a full stomach, and is at risk of aspiration of gastric contents. Aim : render the patient unconscious and paralysed so that they can be intubated.

4 Rapid Sequence Intubation
Assessments Anticipate a potentially difficult intubation Steps :

5 Preparation Environment • Monitoring – ECG monitor, BP, SpO2, capnography • IV access – 2 IV lines • Supine position • Drugs – drawn up in labelled syringes Equipment • Laryngoscopes fitted with appropriate blade. • Endo tracheal tube - test cuff inflation and have smaller sizes ready: - Male, size 6.5 to 8 mm - Female, size 6.0 to 7.5 mm • Stylet • Suction

6 Preoxygenation High concentration O2 to the patient for ideally 5 minutes prior to the procedure If it is not possible to give 5 minutes of preoxygenation then 8 vital capacity breaths should be taken. Desaturate from 90% to zero is very short : healthy adult : 120 seconds, child : 45 seconds. Desaturation is much more rapid if the lungs are abnormal, (eg pulmonary edema) or if oxygen consumption is increased (eg trauma, burns etc)

7 Paralysis with Induction
Induction agents : -- thiopentone, Etomidate, Propofol Muscle relaxants : -- Succinylcholine, Rocuronium -- Contraindication of succinylcholine • ECG or biochemical evidence of hyperkalemia • Patient ≥24 hours post burn • Patient ≥7 days post crush injury or denervation • Family history of malignant hyperthermia

8 Protection and Positioning
Cricoid Pressure : In-line Stabilisation : -- R/O cervical spine injury

9 Placement and Proof The endotracheal tube should be placed under visualization of larynx. Tube position is confirmed by a combination of: • visualising the passage of the ET tube between the cords • listening to both sides of the chest and over the stomach • end-tidal CO2 measurement which is the most reliable method Cricoid pressure can be discontinued on instruction from the intubator.

10 Difficult and failed airway
Identification of factors of difficult airway may make the intubator decide that RSI should not be attempted and that other methods of securing the airway should be used. Look externally : -- Body habitus, short neck, mouth (small opening, loose teeth, macroglossia), jaw abnormalities (micrognathia, malocclusion),

11 Difficult and failed airway
Obstruction : -- stridor, inability to swallow secretions or alteration in voice quality -- Upper airway obstruction : epiglottitis, abscess, foreign body, thermal injury, tumor, and trauma. Neck mobility : -- Neck mobility can be significantly reduced in patients with trauma (cervical collar) or in the elderly and in those with arthritis.

12 Post-Intubation Management
After tube placement is confirmed, the ET tube can be tied or taped in place. Vital sign should be monitored. Mechanical ventilation can now be initiated. Standard Post Intubation Care: • ECG • SpO2 • NIBP / A-Line • Capnograph • CXR • Maintenance sedation and NMB


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