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Presentation on theme: "黎明前的黑暗一定会过去的!正义永存!真理万岁!"— Presentation transcript:

1 黎明前的黑暗一定会过去的!正义永存!真理万岁!
大庆大法弟子王斌被毒打致死的经过及真相 Wang Bin, male, about 47 years old, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province 王斌男、出生于1957年8月22日,大庆油田勘探开发研究院计算机软件工程师。他的一项科技成果曾获得国家科技二等奖和三等奖。在自己的研究领域做出了突出的贡献。连续三届当选研究院职工代表。 这样一个优秀的工程师只因1999年12月15日因发起大庆二百余名大法弟子在“法轮大法好”的大旗上签名,就被关进看守所一百多天,释放后仅14天,2000年4月12日仅仅因与大法弟子十人在一起吃饺子,被过分敏感的公安以串联罪名拘押45天。被释放后仅7天,于6月3日准备进京上访,刚到火车站就被抓回,8月3日被判处一年劳教,9月5日到劳教员冯喜所在的二大队,因坚决不写保证书,教导员冯喜对犯人说:“教训教训他”。在冯喜的指使下,犯人们对王斌大打出手,惨不忍睹,当时就把王斌的锁骨打折,肋骨打折十几根,整个小便打成铁青色,右侧淋巴打成游离状,颈部右侧动脉血管被打断,手上有烟头烫伤,脚上有皮鞋踩伤,把王斌打得呼吸困难时,通讯员向冯喜报告两次说人已经不行了,他毫不理睬,继续叫犯人给他悠闲自得地按摩。并说:“昏过去没事,放在窗户那凉凉。” 在王斌被打时,当班的干警鲁乃耕、文强(脱岗)。鲁乃耕在王斌被打时趴在窗户看两次没管。当第二天送到医院时值班的医生是大庆市人民医院医生李季彪,他说:“送来的太晚了。”医疗本上的记录是:心跳没有、脉搏没有、血压为零。后来医疗本一直没交给家属,并且当时冯喜为了掩盖真相和逃脱罪责,对护士说是自杀,真是没人性的家伙,真该千刀万剐。 王斌已经被害致死快两个月了,此案还在缓慢的调查中,王斌的尸体现在大庆人民医院太平间里,可是王斌的心脏、大脑已没有了。是两名法医王春彪、齐井福把它们送到大庆市龙南医院做生理解剖后扔掉了。如此的职业道德,如此的不负责任。此事已引起家人的极大愤慨和世人的震怒! 在王斌被害在致死的一个月里,冯喜却逍遥法外,不上班,在家溜达玩。最近才被抓起来关在大庆市大同区看守所内。按规定冯喜在在押期间是不准亲人探视的,可是在他被抓第三、四天时,他的小姘头杨红圆(原来他们俩都是二大队的管教,因合伙贪污学员的钱财,后来把杨调到一大队)、及同事孙伟、马春艳三人一同去大同看守所看望,并且冯喜的小姘头杨红圆不顾廉耻,两人抱头痛哭,他们各自都是有家庭的人,竟干出此等见不得人的事,真是一对行尸走肉。怎配得上头顶上的国徽和那套警服。冯喜平时在值班时经常和犯人们一起打麻将,在玩中他能很顺利地“赢”到犯人们很多钱,他是一个吃喝嫖赌、五毒俱全、道德败坏的衣冠禽兽。在王斌刚进劳教所不久,大约9月8日晚十点多钟,他就给王斌的妻子王天佑打骚扰电话说:“哪天晚上做好饭菜,准备好酒,给我打电话,我自己来,你要亲自陪我,把我陪好,每周你才可以见到王斌一次,否则不行。”王天佑说:“我们大法弟子不会喝酒,我找别人陪你吧。”他说;“不行,必须你亲自陪,不能找别人……”后来王看他纠缠不休,就说:“我家的电话已被公安部门给监控了。”冯喜这才罢休。 冯喜是指使犯人打死王斌的恶毒凶手,他已经违犯了中华人民共和国刑法第二百四十八条。(内容:监狱、拘留所、看守所等监管机构的监管人员对被监管人进行殴打、或者体罚、虐待、情节严重的处三年以下有期徒刑,致人伤残死亡的依照本法第二百三十四、第二百三十二条规定,定罪,从重处罚。第二百三十四条内容:“故意伤害……致人死亡或者特别残忍手段致人重伤造成严重残疾的,处十年以上有期徒刑,无期徒刑或者死刑,本法另有规定的依照规定。”事实经过、非常清楚,家有家规,国有国法。谁都知道在大陆法轮功的案件是千古奇冤,可是还没有一个打赢官司的,连死者的两个器官(心脏、大脑)和医疗本(诊断书)都很随便地给弄没了,我们还能相信什么呢? 最近美联社给王斌单位打电话,询问此事时,该单位的领导给职工开会,告诉大家“如果谁来询问王斌的事就说不知道。”王斌单位的领导和同事们对王斌生前的人品是有口皆碑的,对王斌的死也深感不平并帮助出面解决过,那为什么他们如此对待美联社呢?为什么那两个法医工作那么大意呢?为什么冯喜敢在光天化日之下干出这么多伤天害理的事呢?只因中国有个正邪不分的暴君。现在王斌的尸体还在大庆人民医院的太平间里,我们大庆所有的大法弟子呼吁世界各国政府、国际机构善良的人们能来到此处给以帮助。 现在王斌曾关的劳教所越来越邪恶,那里的大法弟子承受了很多很多……劳教所的工作人员执法犯法,不允许家人探视,并采取及其邪恶的措施进行强行转化,大法弟子们用绝食表示抗议,再次希望正义之士来此。 若大的中国曾是个历史悠久的文明古国,礼仪之帮。可是现在竟被暴君江泽氏一人搞的是失落文明的地方,是正邪不分、黑白颠倒的地方。现在大法弟子冒死向世人讲情真相,他又给升格定为反革命并说和中央政府作对。暴君!请撕下你的遮羞布,你的大魔脸不早已在地球上现了原形了吗?你还想愚弄世人几时呢?一个泱泱大国被你搞得党无宁日,国无宁日。多少人妻离子散、家破人亡、流离失所,有的警察说:“最近大庆又窜进来一个打砸抢集团,几天就杀了十几人,全市搞得人心慌慌,我们黑天白日忙碌着,正事、大事抓不过来,上面还老下令叫我们天天看着法轮功学员,人家就要求练练功,干吗老整人家,这一年可把我们累苦了。”这就是江泽民在国际上厚颜无耻地自吹“现在是中国人权最好时期!”中国怎能有如此昏君祸害中华,、真是国耻大辱!真是到了天地共讨,人神愤怒的时候了。到揪出大魔头江泽民、揪出他们爪牙的时候了。 大庆数万名大法弟子希望世界人权组织能替我们这些在水深火热中的大法弟子伸张正义。因为你们是这个地球上正义的象征。真理的代表! 黎明前的黑暗一定会过去的!正义永存!真理万岁! Wang Bin, male, about 47 years old, was a computer engineer at the Design Institute of the Daqing Oil Management Bureau. He was once awarded the second prize of the National Science and Technology Award. Last December, he took the initiative, along with more than 200 Dafa practitioners in Daqing city, Heilongjiang Province, to sign their names on the "Falun Dafa is Good" banner. When he took this banner and a petition letter to appeal to the National People's Congress, he was detained for more than one hundred days. This April, he was arrested by the overly nervous police for 45 days and charged with "contact with other practitioners" simply because he had a meal with nine practitioners. After his release, he went to Beijing at the end of May to appeal and was sentenced to a labor camp. On September 24, he firmly refused to write the guarantee letter at Dongfeng Xingchun Labor Camp in Daqing city and was severely beaten many times. Wang Bin was severely beaten up by 4 or 5 prisoners on the night of September 27, The beating was instigated by Feng Xi, the director of the Second Team of the labor camp. Feng Xi said to the principal offender, "You can beat him to death if he doesn't write the guarantee letter." The torture caused the artery in his neck and major blood vessels to break. His tonsils were injured, his lymph nodes crushed (they had their circulation cut off), and several bones fractured. He had cigarette burns on the back of his hands and inside his nostrils. There were also many bruises all over his body. It was too horrible to see his condition, and his life was in danger at that time. On that night, he was tortured until he fainted. Someone reported his condition to the prison guard and asked him to take Wang Bin to the hospital. The guard rejected the request, saying that it was no problem, and that Wang Bin would wake up in a while. Wang Bin remained unconscious through to the next day. When he was finally taken to the hospital, the doctor said it was too late to rescue him. On the night of October 4, he died of severe injuries, including ruptured blood vessels and heart failure. This is one more Dafa practitioner who lost his life for validating Dafa, for telling people the truth and for steadfastly cultivating in Falun Dafa. We appeal to all the kind-hearted people to voice your concern about this matter, to help those illegally detained and arrested practitioners in China, and to stop the evil deeds of Jiang Zemin (the Chinese president) and his gang. The Second Team of the labor camp was dismissed due to this matter, the principal offender and his gang were taken away, and their whereabouts are unknown.

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