欢乐玩转GIT 讲师:FREE http://my.csdn.net/huangjinjin520 QQ:515768476.

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1 欢乐玩转GIT 讲师:FREE QQ:

2 第一节:Windows平台搭建基于SSH的Git服务器二
1、下载:Copssh_4.1.0_Installer.exe Copssh is an OpenSSH server and client implementation for Windows systems with an administration GUI. You can use Copssh for remote administration of your systems or gathering remote information in a secure way 最新版已经开始收费 2、安装:Copssh_4.1.0_Installer.exe 3、配置

3 THANKS 本课程由FREE提供 CSDN网站:www.csdn.net 企业服务:http://ems.csdn.net/
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