2017 鼠疫健康提示 | 非洲疫情 2017年8月至今,马达加斯加已有多例鼠疫病例报告。

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1 2017 鼠疫健康提示 | 非洲疫情 2017年8月至今,马达加斯加已有多例鼠疫病例报告。
| 非洲疫情 2017年8月至今,马达加斯加已有多例鼠疫病例报告。 鼠疫是一种自然疫源性疾病,以发病急、传播快、传染性强、病死率高为特点的烈性传染病。 潜伏期: 一般为1-6天 主要临床: 突然发病、恶寒战栗、体温迅速升高至38℃以上,剧烈头痛、全身疼痛、恶心呕吐、呼吸急促、心率增快等症状。 传播途径: 主要可通过经跳蚤叮咬传播、经直接接触传播、经飞沫传播。 马达加斯加 如您需前往上述国家或地区请尽量避免喂食鼠、松鼠等啮齿类动物,不直接接触生病或死亡的动物,前往森林公园等野外环境应着长裤避免被蚤类叮咬。 如您入境时出现高热、畏寒、恶心、淋巴结肿大等症状,且10天内到过上述国家和地区,请立即与现场检验检疫人员联系,以便帮助您尽早获得医疗救助。 如在入境后出现上述症状也请及时前往附近医院就诊,并向接诊医师详细描述旅行史。 了解详情,请登录上海出入境检验检疫局官方网站

2 2017 Information about Plague | Africa
Since August 2017, there are several cases of plague occurred in Madagascar. Plague is a bacterial disease caused by Yersinia pestis, it is also a severe contagious disease with fast transmission speed, high case-fatality ratio of 30%-60% if untreated. Incubation period: 3-7 days. Symptoms: People infected with plague usually develop “flu-like” symptoms after typical symptoms are the sudden onset of fever(usually higher than 38℃), chills, severe headache, body-aches and weakness, vomiting and nausea, breath shortness, high heart rate. Transmission: Plague is transmitted between animals and humans by the bite of infected fleas, direct contact, and inhalation. MADAGASCAR Persons engaging in outdoor activities in areas where plague is endemic should wear long pants when possible and use insect repellent on clothing and skin. Persons also should avoid direct contact with ill or dead animals and never feed squirrels, chipmunks, or other rodents. For your health, if you have high fever, chills, nausea or lymphadenectasis when entering China, and you have been to the cities or states above in the last 10 days, please contact quarantine officer immediately and you can get medicine treatment in time. If you have these symptoms after arriving in China, please immediately go to the nearest fever clinic, and proactively report your travel history to the doctor for early treatment. For more information visit:

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