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研究寫作與期刊投稿 陸偉明 成大教育所特聘教授.

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1 研究寫作與期刊投稿 陸偉明 成大教育所特聘教授

2 科學研究 1. 思考:閱讀、寫作、停頓 2. 行動:資料蒐集與分析、實驗進行、 討論活動 兩者交互進行
Writing as thinking: You should constantly think about writing your paper at every stage of your research activities. (自問自答,釐清方向)

3 Productivity Is Improving
Scientists can now spend more time analyzing information than gathering it 58% 42% 48% 52% 55% 45% 56% 44% 54% 46% 51% 49% 47% 53% Fin/HR/Legal Sci/Eng Mfg/Purch Total IT Sales/Mktg Scientists now read 25%+ more articles per year Time Spent Gathering Scientists now read from almost twice as many journals Time Spent Analyzing So, at this point, we might say, “That’s all good and well that publishers are investing and taking these initiatives. But how do we know it’s making a difference?” Besides the fact that the peer review and journal systems have been remarkably sustainable for many centuries, we can be encouraged by some other results. The graph here shows that with the rise of the internet and the proliferation of vast volumes of information, the Science and Engineering professionals are the only ones who are spending less time searching for information and more time analyzing it. This is in part due to the tools that publishers have provided for scientists, allowing them to read more articles and journals more efficiently than before. Source: Outsell’s Buyer Market Database; and Dr Carol Tenopir, University of Tennessee | 3 3

4 Maximizing the Global Visibility of Your Research Work through Elsevier
Presented by: Hanneke van Doorn MSc. Publisher – Anaytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry & Sensors ELSEVIER Date: May Presentation created by James Milne 2007 / 2008 4

5 閱讀 善用資料庫,有效率尋找文獻 (top-down, bottom up approach) eFunction: 訂閱Alert
The rise of specialized and interdisciplinary fields of study Emerging global network of scientific research, dissemination

6 要形成一個良性循環 沒有寫出來都不算:我手寫我口? 沒有印出來都不算
PUBLISH OR PERISH—在研究結果為人所之以前,科學研究都不算完成。 沒有經過審查(學術社群的對話與批判)都不算。寫書也要送審。 =>養成好的寫作習慣:研究日誌,空間,與時間

7 研究日誌:提供線索與思路

8 空間 (Messy table messy mind. / Empty table empty mind.)
掌握最新期刊論文研究成果 文獻、研究手稿log、論文檔、與投稿信件分檔案夾分門別類放置(相關資料也可以copy兩次以免找不到) 專心致志:知止而後能定, 定而後能靜, 靜而後能安, 安而後能慮, 慮而後能得【大學】

9 Excerpt from Charles Darwin’s The Voyage of the Beagle
Thinking path During some part of the day I wrote my journal, and took much pains in describing carefully and vividly all that I had seen; and was good practice. My journal served also, in part, as letters to my home, and portions were sent to England whenever there was an opportunity. The above various special studies were, however, of no importance compared with the habit of energetic industry and of concentrated attention to what ever I was engaged in, which I then acquired. Everything about which I thought or read was made to bear directly on what I had seen or was likely to see; and this habit of mind was continued during the five years of the voyage. I feel sure that it was this training which has enabled me to do what ever I have done in science. Looking backwards, I can now perceive how my love for science gradually preponderated over every other taste.

10 時間(CEO of me) 完成工作的方法,就是珍惜每一分鐘(達爾文) 有原則:找出做最想做、最擅長的事(high priority)
「有哪些事,會對你個人產生重大影響,而卻拖延沒有做?」(draw lines) 有毅力:與其說在管理時間、不如說是管理使用時間的自己!(manage my life) (track your habit) 不積跬步,無以至千里;不積小流,無以成江海。(荀子勸學篇) 每天想,每天寫,日積月累與淬鍊

11 寫!寫!寫! The discipline of writing on a continuous and regular basis
Establish good writing habits regardless of mood Have a warm-up period or read some good writing or your log 新進學者以兩年一篇的速度累積經驗變成一年一篇……

12 Suggestions for ending writer’s block
Begin early Take a break, then return Begin in the middle Engage in personal magic rituals Break it into small parts Do not expect perfection. (W. L. Neuman, Social Research Methods, p. 495)

13 科學八股寫作 1. Tell a good story: have a strong story line
(Keep readers in your mind) 2. Develop an outline and logic (order of paragraphs) 3. Short is better. Stick to the point. Don’t lose the focus. *Topic sentence and supporting details 4. Result: facts, not opinion。有顯著差異

14 5. Take-home message 新發現是什麼? (最多三點) 為什麼這個發現很重要? [討論]最能彰顯本文的貢獻,要言之有據 6. Abstract: background, purpose, setting, subjects, research design, data collection and analysis, findings, conclusions [摘要]是讀者的第一眼,要仔細且精簡寫

15 系統性的研究擇你所愛,愛你所擇 前言與文獻探討: 為什麼要做這研究?如何定義和發現研究問題?
要能對文獻批判:如過去的發現與限制、對本研究的啟示與觸發、會提出什麼蒐集和分析資料的程序、本研究可能會得到什麼結果、有什麼意義與應用等。重點是在給理論基礎並將本研究聚焦,說明為何選擇這個模式或方法等,而不是整理抄錄文獻卻沒有評述,亦切忌依樣畫葫蘆。 文獻和研究問題的產生不是直線進行而是往復的過程。 研究方法:如何進行研究及用什麼材料,可以回答上述的研究問題?

16 一些提醒: Writereditorwritereditor Word choice and trim “fat”
Have respected colleagues critique and edit. You can always be better. Revision is the key to effective writing

17 Pierre-Auguste Renoir(1984-1919)
The only reward from work is the work itself.

18 容易觸及或違反學術倫理情形 Fabrication 造假: 虛構不存在資料 Falsification變造: 誇大,隱匿,或變更資料
Plagiarism抄襲:文獻回顧分與研究方法的說明部分, 無適當的註明出處。或以翻譯代替著述。不符比例原則。 4. 自我引用視為理所當然,而未引註。 5. 拿已完成的研究成果做為申請案,或與指導學生之論文 區隔不清。 6. 一案兩投,有不當牟利之嫌疑。 若同一案件所需經費龐大,需靠不同機構的經費補助,則應在計畫中說明申請經費補助的分配狀況。

19 投稿 遵從APA 格式 掌握Scientific Writing Accuracy Brevity Clarity 事先計畫Outlet
TSSCI清單(社科中心) SSCI清單(ISI) 或其他學報及出版社 *國科會人文處教育學門網站內有許多投稿及寫作之建議 *建立投稿追蹤表

20 關於國科會各處室網頁教育學門 記住:計畫書是說服人的文件
關於國科會各處室網頁教育學門 記住:計畫書是說服人的文件

21 Accept rejection as part of review process. Don’t take it personally.
在開始的過程中,都有一個門檻值的障礙、或是摩擦阻力。 不好的開始,不代表一定會失敗;好的開始,也不一定會成功。 瓶頸,通常不是外在的環境,而是自己的心境。 Enumerate revisions and use colored text 經驗會帶動進步 寄一份reprint

22 Bailey, S (2006). Academic writing- a handbook for international students, 2nd ed. Routledge.
Day, R. A. (1989). How to write and publish a scientific paper. Cambridge. Hamermesh, D. (1992). The young economist’s guide to professional etiquette. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 6, Klingner, J. K., Scanlon, D, & Pressley, M. (2005). How to publish in scholarly journals. Educational Researcher, Nov., McInerney, D. M. (2001). Publishing your psychology research: A guide to writing for journals in psychology and related fields. Sage. Silvia, P. (2007). How to write a lot: A practical guide to productive academic writing. Washington, DC: The American Psychological Association. Singham, M. (2008). Seven suggestions for becoming a more productive writer. Change, March, Sternberg, R. (2003). The psychologist’s companion: A guide to writing for students and psychologists. Cambridge. Thompson, B. (2001). Publishing your research results: Some suggestions and counsel. Journal of Counseling & Development, 73, Guide to publishing in psychology journals. Edited by R. J. Sternberg. Cambridge. Symptoms and cures for writer’s block:

23 李國鼎文教基金會:英文論文修訂服務,每頁110元,約三週
http: // Gloria English Editing Ted English Editing::分A類改文法與B類重寫句子兩種,八頁內可直接貼在線上送出,約5-10日,文到後估價。 San Francisco Edit: 英文論文寫作技巧(2005)。眾文圖書。

24 成功並不是靠過去或現在如何, 而是看你願不願意去做必須要做的事。 成功的道路,就在那曲曲折折間…... 絕對不是孤獨的路

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