Kingdom animalia (動物界)

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1 Kingdom animalia (動物界)
Cnidarians/coelenterates (刺胞動物) Annelids (環節動物) Molluscs (軟體動物) Arthropods (節肢動物) Echinoderms (棘皮動物) Vertebrates (脊椎動物) (Fishes 魚類, Amphibians 兩棲動物, Reptiles 爬行動物, Birds 鳥, Mammals 哺乳動物)

2 Cnidarians (刺胞動物) Example: Obelia(藪枝螅), coral (珊瑚), sea anemone (海葵), jellyfish(水母), and Hydra (水螅), Radially symmetry (輻射對稱)– colonize habitat (在棲息處殖民) and capture food A large gut (腸腔) with a single opening Tentacles (觸手) contains nematocyst剌絲囊 Polyp (螅型體) or medusa (水母體)

3 Obelia

4 Molluscs (軟體動物) Unsegmented (沒有分節) body Bilateral symmetrical (左右對稱)
Body consisted of anterior head (頭), ventral muscular foot (足) and a dorsal visceral mass (內臟團). Body is surrounded by mantle (套膜) sheltered in one or more calcareous shells (鈣質殼,殼可以是單殼或雙殼).

5 Example: Snail Gastropod – 腹足綱 Habitat – terrestrial (陸生)
1. Spirally coiled shell (螺旋形殼) 2. Large and broad foot (闊大的足) 3. Rasping (銼刀型) radula (舌齒) for scraping (刮出) algae 4. Eyes at tentacles (觸角末端有眼) 5. Cover sealing (有蓋封密) 6. Protective colouration (保護色)

6 Bivalve (雙殼綱) – Mussel 貽貝
1. Laterally flattened (側面扁平) Habitat – rocky shore (岩岸) 2. Hard calcareous shell of two valves (兩片鈣質貝殼) - for protection (保護) and _____ 3. Hinge ligament (蝶絞韌帶) 4. Byssal threads (足絲) 5. Gills (鰓) – for gaseous exchange and filtering feeding (濾食性) 6. Inhalent (入水管) and exhalent siphon (出水管 Clam (蛤) – wedge-shape muscular foot (斧足)

7 Annelids (環節動物) Bilaterally symmetrical (左右對稱) ,streamlined shaped (流線形) segmented (分節) Has chaetae (剛毛) for anchorage (固定身體) during burrowing (挖掘泥土) Has clitellum (環帶) Examples: earthworm (蚯蚓), leech(水蛭/螞蟥) and bristleworm (沙蟲)

8 Metameric segmentation 身體分節
1.allows specialization in certain segments without interference from others (某些體節可特化, 不受其他體節干擾) 2. Allows division of labour (不同的體節可負責某些特定的功能) 3. Division of muscular body wall into blocks, different parts of body can move independently (體壁的肌肉可分成數段, 每段可獨立移動)

9 Arthropods(節肢動物) Segmented body (身體分節) with jointed appendages (附肢也分節)
Bilaterally symmetrical (左右對稱) Exoskeleton (外骨骼) – made of chitin (幾丁質 ) / calcium (鈣質) Crustacea (甲殼鋼) e.g. lobsters, shrimps, crabs and barnacles (藤壺) Insecta (昆蟲綱), insects e.g. bees, grasshopper (草蜢) Arachnida (蛛形綱) - spider (蜘蛛), scorpions(蠍子) Myriapoda (多足綱) centipedes (百足蟲) and millipedes (千足蟲)

10 Some important features P.24
Body segmented (i) cephalothorax (頭胸) + abdomen (腹) (ii) head + thorax + abdomen (iii) head + body segment 體節 Antennae 觸角? How many pairs? Mouth parts (口器)? Jointed appendages (附肢) How many pairs? Exoskeleton ?

11 Class: Crustacea (甲殼綱)

12 Class: Crustacea (甲殼綱)

13 Crustacea(甲殼綱) - shrimp
Mode of feeding: ________ Habitat – free-swimming 1.Hard exoskeleton (堅硬的外骨骼) for protection, muscle attachment (肌肉依附) and resisting dehydration (脫水) 2. Cephalothorax – carapace (頭胸甲) 3. Jointed legs for swimming / walking 4.Mouth parts (口器) for filter-feeding (濾食性) 5.Chelipeds 有鉗的步足 6.Antennae (觸角) 7. Gill chamber 鰓

14 Insecta 昆蟲綱 P.27 1. Head, thorax, abdomen
Chitinous exoskeleton (幾丁質外骨骼) 2. 1 pair of antennae (觸角) for sensitivity (探測刺激), mouth-part (口器) for feeding ( 攝食) e.g. chewing and biting (咀嚼式), sucking (吸啜) or lapping 3. Jointed legs (分節的附肢) for walking, swimming, jumping, Wings for flying

15 Insecta 昆蟲綱 P.27 5. Ovipositor (產卵器)
6. Protective colouration (camouflage) 保護色 7. Compound eyes (複眼) 8. Respiration by trachea (氣管), spiracles (氣門) 9. Metamorphosis 變態 10 Excretion (排泄) by Malpighian tubes (馬氏管

16 Endoskeletons (內骨胳) with spines (棘) –protection (保護)
Radially symmetrial (輻射對稱) Water vascular systems (水管系統) Moved by tube feet (管足) Pincer-like pedicellariae (鋏棘) around the spine ( to keep the body free of debris, to grip and to capture food)

17 Echinodermata (棘皮動物) sea star, sea urchin(海謄) sea cucumber (海參)
Feeding (i) carnivorous (肉食性) (ii) detritivorous (腐食性) 1. Body flattened (身體扁平) and radial symmetrical (輻射對稱) for bottom dwelling (海底居住), movement in all directions. 2. Tube feet (管足) for locomotion. 3. Pedicellariae (鋏棘) for protection and capturing small animals (捕捉小動物)

18 4. Branchial papillae (皮鰓)
5. Madreporite (篩板) consisting of opening of Water vascular systems (水管系統) 6. Sensory tentacle and light sensitive eye spot (每條腕的末端有一紅色眼點, 能感光, 眼點周圍有短小觸手.)

19 Chordata (脊索動物門) Have the following structures at some stages of development: 1. A notochord (脊索) as the first supporting structure 2. A single, dorsal and hollow nerve cord (背神經管) 3. Paired gill slits (鰓裂) of the embryonic (胚胎 pharynx (咽)

20 Vertebrata (脊椎動物亞門) 1. Notochord replaced in adult by a vertebral column (made of many vertebrae) (脊索在成年時被脊椎取代) – bone (硬骨) or cartilage (軟骨) Can you distinguish Vertebral column VS Vertebrae VS vertebrate ?? 2. Central nervous system 3. Two pairs of fins (鰭) / limbs (肢)

21 Vertebrata (脊椎動物亞門) Fish

22 Pisces - Fishes (魚類) Aquatic Skin with wet slimy scales (濕潤鱗片)
Fins(鰭) for swimming, Gills (鰓) for gaseous exchange cartilaginous fishes (軟骨魚)(shark 鯊魚) Visceral cleft as gill slit bony fishes (硬骨魚) (salmon, seahorse海馬) Gills covered by operculum (鰓蓋) No pinna (耳殼)

23 Amphibians

24 Amphibians (兩棲類) E.g. frogs (蛙), toads, newts (蠑螈)
1. Moist naked skin (皮膚光滑) 2. Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs (五趾型肢) 3. Gills in larva (幼) tadpole (蝌蚪), lungs in adult (成年體), gaseous exchange also takes place through wet skin, lining of buccal cavity (口腔) 4. No pinna

25 Reptiles

26 Reptiles (爬行類) E.g. turtles (龜), lizards (蜥蝪), snakes (蛇) and crocodiles (鱷魚) 1. Skin with dry horny scales (乾燥角質鱗片) for protection 2. Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs 3. Visceral clefts never develop gills, breathed by lungs (肺) 4. No pinna

27 Structural features of a lizard (蜥蝪)
1. Limbs (肢) for running and tail (尾)for balancing (平衡) and gripping (抓緊物件) 2. Skin impermeable to water (不透水) to allow little or no evaporation (減少水分蒸發) 3. Neck (頸) to allow movement of head independent of body (令頭能獨立於身體個別移動). 4. Colour change for warning (camouflage) 5. Long narrow body for burrowing (挖掘) 6. Autotomy of tail (尾部斷裂)

28 Birds

29 Birds (鳥類) 1. Skin covered by feathers (羽毛)
2. Forelimbs (前肢) modified as wings , hindlimbs (後肢) for running or swimming 3. beak (喙) for feeding 4. No pinna

30 Mammals (vertebrate) Mammals

31 Mammals (哺乳動物) 1. Skin with hair / fur, with sebaceous gland (皮脂腺) and sweat gland (汗腺) 2. Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs 3. Has mammary glands (乳腺) e.g. whale (鯨), dolphin (海豚), bat (蝙蝠), tiger (虎) 4. Has pinna 5. Parental care (親代養育)

32 Dichotomous key 二叉式檢索表
The simplest way to identifying organism is to construct a dichotomous key. Such keys consist of a lot of structural features about the specimen to be identified. There are two alternatives for each features, and each of these two alternatives will lead to other features until the desired group of the specimen is reached.

33 Dichotomous key Example of the use of dichotomous key

34 Dichotomous key the dichotomous key can also be expressed in a diagrammatic form

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