Lesson 8 Where’s Amanda? 2018/12/10.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 8 Where’s Amanda? 2018/12/10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 8 Where’s Amanda? 2018/12/10

2 where句型複習: Where are you from? I am from Taiwan. 你從哪裡來? 我來自台灣。

3 本課 where 句型: 人 物品 (1) Where is Amanda? 哪裡?
(2) Where is the pencil box? 哪裡? 物品 2018/12/10

4 Where句型: where 為 ________,可用來 詢問人或物品的 _________。 疑問詞 所在地點 1. 我的鉛筆在哪裡?
[練習] Where are my pencils? 2. 學生們在哪裡? Where are the students? 2018/12/10

5 介系詞 (in, on, under): in-表示在某個空間或 場所的_____。 裡面 2018/12/10

6 介系詞 (in, on, under): on-表示在某個空間或 場所的_____。 上面 2018/12/10

7 介系詞 (in, on, under): under-表示在某個空間或 場所的_____。 下方 2018/12/10

8 Where 句型整理: Where are you? is Amanda? the box? my pen? the students?
the books? I am in the room. on the desk. under the bed. He She It is We They are Where+ be動詞+主詞? 主詞+be動詞+介系詞+地點. 2018/12/10

9 Where Is My Toy? is my toy? is my book? Where
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! (2x) It's the bedroom the bed. in on It's the bedroom the bed. in on Where is my book? Oh look! Oh look! Oh look! (2x) It's the living room the chair. in on It's the living room the chair. in on 2018/12/10

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