國家元首來訪通常都是聲勢浩大 The head of state who visited Taiwan is

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Presentation on theme: "國家元首來訪通常都是聲勢浩大 The head of state who visited Taiwan is"— Presentation transcript:

1 國家元首來訪通常都是聲勢浩大 The head of state who visited Taiwan is
usually great in momentum and irresistible. (P.69-18)

2 For example, every official broke his
2. 像是官員們無不盡最大的努力去接待 柯林頓。 For example, every official broke his neck to get this done to received Clinton. (P77-37)

3 3. 但,此事卻引起老共的堅決反對。 But, China set their face against this visiting. (P69-26)

4 They turned thumbs down on Clinton who spoke his mind in Taiwan.
4. 反對小柯在台灣暢所欲言。 . They turned thumbs down on Clinton who spoke his mind in Taiwan. (P75-15)(P62-2)

5 5. 反對小柯與阿扁彼此保有秘密。 They put their foot down on Clinton and Chen Shui-bian who kept their business under their hat. (P69-26) (P69-39)

6 6. 反對台灣人巴結小柯。 They also were against that Taiwanese licked Clinton's foot.(P74-2)

7 7. 簡言之,就是什麼都反對。 In a nutshell, China opposed everything about Taiwan. (P69-27)

8 8. 其實老共大可不必大驚小怪。 In fact, Mainland was not necessary to make a fuss about that. (P62-23)

9 9. 畢竟阿扁也付了成千上萬人民的血汗 給小柯。 After all, Chen Shui-bian paid thousands upon thousands of Taiwanese efforts to Clinton. (P62-12)

10 10. 讓小柯得意洋洋的離開。 The president of Taiwan made Clinton walk on air to leave Taiwan. (P74-12)

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