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新目标英语七年级下册 Unit 7 It’s raining..

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1 新目标英语七年级下册 Unit 7 It’s raining.

2 一、教学目标 1、知识目标 1)单词:rain windy cloudy sunny snow Moscow Toronto Boston how’s weather cool cold humid pretty 2)句型:How’s it going? How’s the weather? 2、能力目标: 通过此课学习,使学生能够学会 打招呼和描述天气 3、情感态度和文化意识:了解异地天气和异国招呼 用语

3 二、教学重点:掌握招呼用语和描 述天气用语 三、教学难点:掌握并运用 How’s the weather? 四、教学设计

4 (一)单元教学内容 1、话题:Describe the different things in different weather
2、功能:Describe the weather Describe what you are doing 3、语言结构: How’s the weather? What are they/you doing? We/They are … What’s he/she doing? He/She is…. How’s it going? 4、词汇: rain/windy/cloudy/sunny/snow…./Moscow Boston/Toronto/CCTV/vacation…

5 (二)学法导航: 1、课前自主学习,收集课文中未出现的其他气候用语和招呼用语。课后学会归纳,梳理知识。
2、争当最佳“天气接线员”,询问和回答中国不同地方的天气。 3、为东南亚海啸灾区描绘一幅美好的家园 4、假设你是中央电视台一个主持人,请介绍你的城市 或你感兴趣的一个城市的概况:气候,风俗,人情。

6 Do you know how the weather is?
raining windy sunny snowing cloudy

7 It’s raining ! a e d b c Unit 6 1a 1.raining___ 2. windy____
Match the words with the pictures. 1.raining___ 2. windy____ 3. cloudy___ 4. sunny____ 5. snowing___ a e d b c

8 1b How’s the weather in…? Beijing Toronto Moscow Boston Shanghai
Listen and write these city names in the boxes above.

9 4 2 3 a d b

10 a d b


12 n.+yadj. n.+?adj. rain rainy sun sunny snow snowy cloud cloudy wind
What can you see?/feel?/hear? wind windy fog foggy

13 sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy How is the weather? It’s a …day.
What’s the weather like? It’s… sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy

14 Do you know four seasons ?
Autumn hot warm cold humid

15 Practice 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 hot How’s weather humid Do cold weather don’t
1. 今天天气怎么样? 热而潮湿. How’s hot weather humid —————— the ——————— today? It’s _______ and _________. 2. 你喜欢寒冷的天气吗? 不,我不喜欢. Do cold weather don’t ____you like _______ _______________? No, I ________. 3. 她现在在干什么? 她正在看电视. watching TV doing is What _________ she _______ ? She is __________ _________. 4. 他们在干什么? 他们在拍照 are doing are taking photos What ________ ______ they________? They ______ ________ ___________. 5. Lily通常穿着一件蓝色的衣服. wears blue uniform Lily always _______ a _______ ______________ .

16 Homework 1) Make a survey 2) Collect the words about weather and clothes 3) Collect the expressions about the greetings

17 Thanks for your listening !
Goodbye !

18 课后反思: 这节课内容少且简单,学生学习讨论的热情很高,在课堂上几乎全部完成学习目标。

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