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Presentation on theme: "生涯軌跡."— Presentation transcript:

1 生涯軌跡


3 起初--我想進大學,想得要死; 隨後--我巴不得大學趕快畢業,能早點工作; 接著--我想結婚,想有小孩,想得要死; 再來--我又巴不得小孩快點長大,好讓我省點心; 之後--我每天想著退休,想得要死; 現在--我真的要死了; 忽然間--我突然明白了; 我忘了--真正去活。

4 What can we learn from 荃’s case ?
生命要與夢想結合 抽離興趣的職業 是無趣的 父母期望 個人興趣 收入壓力 並非是完全衝突、無法兼顧的對抗 性向是不容易改變的 但是興趣常常是會改變的 千年傳統 全新感受 如何在規律的工作中 找到新的感動與價值?

5 What can we learn from 梁’s case ?
學習要與夢想結合 研究需要熱情 抽離興趣的研究所學位 是痛苦的 父母期望 個人興趣 收入壓力 並非是完全衝突、無法兼顧的對抗 但是這必須及早去設想可能 化解衝突 要早點想清楚自己目標 不要辜負自己 辜負別人

6 What can we learn from 婷’s case ?
職業與興趣結合 再怎麼累 也是滿滿的收穫與享受 早點想清楚自己目標 並著手準備 就不容易浪費時間 減少徬徨掙扎的機會 造物主與社會 對女性並不公平 生產有時間壓力 子女養育與事業企圖 有刻板印象 男人要體諒女人 女人不要自限天空

7 What can we learn from 蟬’s case ?
即使非親帶故 只要積極努力 也可以從眾人不看好中脫穎而出 投入帶來確認 只要能早點確認 迴旋空間越大 「玩兩年就好」! 你生命中有安排 追求夢想玩兩年 的時間嗎?

8 LIFE will be busy, stressful, & unpredictable. One True Thing Nevertheless, LIFE should be always beautiful.

9 My Grand Concluding Remarks
No single model can fit you! Everyone is a special one. Preparation makes room for success. Determination leads to satisfaction. Life is precious. And you are entering a critical period.

10 TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; The Road Not Taken Robert Frost  (1874–1963)

11 Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, The Road Not Taken Robert Frost  (1874–1963)

12 And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. The Road Not Taken Robert Frost  (1874–1963)

13 I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. The Road Not Taken Robert Frost  (1874–1963)



16 我們會持續分享的五個問題 你的專長何在? 你想做哪些事? 什麼事對你最重要? 你希望後人記得你哪些? 你心中的美好人生有何特點?

17 我們會持續分享的三個問題 你的最夢幻的職業及其特徵是什麼? 你就讀科系的典型職業及其特徵是什麼? 你覺得你最可能的職業及其特徵是什麼?

18 We will discuss these topics
in Yangmingshan and following class. App. 30 minutes each person

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