L3 review.

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Presentation on theme: "L3 review."— Presentation transcript:

1 L3 review

2 看影片

3 watch a video watched

4 他們昨天看了一部感人的影片

5 They watched a touching video yesterday.

6 參加 三項全能賽

7 join a triathlon joined

8 The Long brothers 去年一起參加三項全能賽

9 The long brothers joined a triathlon together last year.

10 拉著船上的Cayden

11 pull Cayden in a boat pulled

12 推著推車上的 Cayden

13 push Cayden in a cart pushed

14 放棄

15 give up gave

16 Conner 絕不放棄

17 Conner never gave up.

18 沒有任何事可阻止他

19 Nothing stopped him. stop / stopped

20 沿路站著

21 stand along the road stood

22 幫他們加油

23 cheer for them cheered

24 抵達終點線

25 get to the finish line got

26 人們沿路站著為他們加油 在他們抵達終點線之前

27 People stood along the road and cheered for them before they got to the finish line.

28 有些人 嘲笑他

29 Some people laughed at him.
laugh / laughed

30 他為此感到傷心

31 He felt sad about this. feel / felt

32 有些人嘲笑他, 所以他感到悲傷

33 Some people laughed at him , so he felt sad.

34 老師昨天為此感到生氣

35 The teacher felt angry about this yesterday.

36 改變 他們的想法

37 change their ideas changed

38 他組隊和Cayden參加了這項比賽

39 He teamed up with Cayden for the race.
team / teamed

40 騎腳踏車

41 ride a bike rode

42 他拉推車上的Cayden 當他騎腳踏車時

43 He pulled Cayden in a cart when he rode a bike.
pull / pulled ride / rode

44 贏得比賽

45 win the race won

46 他們沒有贏得比賽,但是他們贏得人們的心

47 They didn’t win the race , but they won people’s heart.

48 L2 review

49 因為Linda 生病了, 她沒來上學

50 Because Linda was sick, she didn’t come to school.
is am / was come / came

51 我昨晚感冒了

52 I caught a cold last night.
catch / caught

53 她發高燒了,所以她去看醫生

54 She had a high fever, so she saw a doctor.
have has / had see / saw

55 他吃藥 因為他喉嚨痛

56 He took medicine because he had a sore throat.
take /took

57 (你)怎麼了?

58 What is wrong (with you)?
is / was

59 Linda 頭痛, 所以 奶奶帶她去醫院

60 Linda had a headache, so Grandma took her to the hospital.
take / took

61 因為我爸媽都出城去了,奶奶照顧我

62 Because my parents were both out of town, my grandma took care of me.
take / took

63 奶奶整晚坐在我身邊

64 Grandma sat by my side all night.
sit / sat

65 奶奶獨自住在台南

66 Grandma lives alone in Tainan.
live / lived

67 祖父母節時, 我們拜訪她

68 On Grandparents Day, we visited her.
visit / visited

69 爸媽說好笑的故事

70 Mom and Dad told funny stories.
tell / told

71 我們小孩子 唱歌

72 We kids sang songs. sing / sang

73 奶奶把Tiger 抱在手上

74 Grandma held Tiger in her arms.
hold / held

75 奶奶對我們微笑

76 Grandma smiled at us. smile / smiled

77 Tiger在大門口 歡迎我們

78 Tiger welcomed us at the gate.
welcome / welcomed

79 回家的一路上

80 all the way home

81 香甜的氣味一路伴著我們回家

82 The sweet smell went with us all the way home.
go / went

83 我們一起共度很棒的下午

84 We had a great afternoon together.
have / had

85 我太晚起床, 所以我錯過公車

86 I got up late, so I missed the bus.
get / got miss / missed

87 我熬夜因為我必須準備考試

88 I stayed up too late because I had to prepare for tests.
stay / stayed prepare / prepared

89 L1 review

90 你暑假過得如何?

91 How was your summer? is am / was

92 你都做了些什麼?

93 What did you do? do / did

94 你都去了哪裡?

95 Where did you go? go / went

96 我今年夏天 參加籃球營

97 I joined a basketball camp this summer.
join / joined

98 我學習一些有用的技巧

99 I learned some useful skills.
learn / learned

100 Jeremy Lin 昨天 拜訪我們的營隊還跟我們打了場球賽

101 Jeremy Lin visited our camp yesterday and played a game with us.
visit / visited play / played

102 發生什麼事了?

103 What happened? happen / happened

104 我上學期英文數學不及格

105 I failed English and math last semester.
fail / failed

106 我讀這些科目

107 I studied the subjects. study / studied

108 我整天在補習班準備考試

109 I prepared for tests in a cram school all day.
prepare / prepared

110 我自找的。我玩太多電玩遊戲

111 I asked for it. I played video games too much.
ask / asked play / played

112 你昨天運動了嗎?

113 Did you exercise yesterday?
exercise / exercised

114 Maggie 上學期 參加街舞社

115 Maggie joined a street dance club last semester.
join / joined

116 Maggie和他的朋友們做不同的工作

117 Maggie and her friends worked different jobs.
work / worked

118 Maggie 在爸爸的洗車場打工

119 Maggie worked part-time at her dad’s car wash.
work / worked

120 Tim and Ivy 幫鄰居們遛狗

121 Tim and Ivy walked dogs for their neighbors.
walk / walked

122 Simon幫人畫畫

123 Simon painted pictures for people.
paint / painted

124 終於, 他們為社團籌到了足夠的錢

125 Finally, they raised enough money for the club.
raise / raised

126 他們都很累但很開心

127 They were all tired but happy.
are / were

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