H044 父神阿,祢在羔羊裏 O GOD! WE SEE THEE IN THE LAMB (1/5)

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1 H044 父神阿,祢在羔羊裏 O GOD! WE SEE THEE IN THE LAMB (1/5)
父神阿,祢在羔羊裏, O God! We see Thee in the Lamb 是我的希望和安息; To be our hope, our joy, our rest; 祢名所表一切慈仁, The glories that compose Thy name, 都是為著賜福我們。 Standing engaged to make us blest. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

2 祢大而智,祢公而仁, 祢是我父,又是我神; 我們屬祢,是藉寶血, 作祢兒女,永遠聯結。
H044 (節2/5, 頁1/1) 祢大而智,祢公而仁, Thou great and good! Thou just and wise! 祢是我父,又是我神; Hail! As our Father and our God! 我們屬祢,是藉寶血, For we are Thine by sacred ties, 作祢兒女,永遠聯結。 Thy sons and daughters-bought with blood. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

3 我們今帶疲倦的靈, 來到祢前仰望祢名; 煩悶艱苦,尋求恩惠, 如同困鹿渴慕溪水。
H044 (節3/5, 頁1/1) 我們今帶疲倦的靈, With fainting hearts we come to Thee, 來到祢前仰望祢名; For Thee we long, to Thee we look; 煩悶艱苦,尋求恩惠, Forlorn, cast down, Thy grace we seek, 如同困鹿渴慕溪水。 As pants the hart for cooling brook. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

4 既是這樣,願祢施恩, 好叫我們親近祢身; 祢的同在作我帳幕, 祢的大愛作我喜樂。
H044 (節4/5, 頁1/1) 既是這樣,願祢施恩, Then, oh! to us this grace afford, 好叫我們親近祢身; That far from Thee we ne'er may move; 祢的同在作我帳幕, Our guard-the presence of the Lord; 祢的大愛作我喜樂。 Our joy-Thy perfect present love. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

5 這叫我們永遠歡欣, 這叫黑夜變為光明; 若有微息尚能稱頌, 必引弱聲向天歌誦。 This gives us ever to rejoice,
Turning to light our darkest day; 若有微息尚能稱頌, And lifts on high each feeble voice, 必引弱聲向天歌誦。 While we have breath to praise or pray. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

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