天宁区小学英语 2016 小学英语毕业复习研讨暨质量调研反馈 天宁区教师发展中心 薛 红 1.

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1 天宁区小学英语 2016 小学英语毕业复习研讨暨质量调研反馈 天宁区教师发展中心 薛 红 1

2 01 调 研 反 馈 02 个 人 思 考 03 毕 业 命 题

3 常态化 随机性 指向学科关键能力

4 阅读能力四项指标:整体感知能力 提取信息能力 形成解释能力 合理使用信息并作出评价的能力 阅读理解部分 :读写结合,理解表达兼顾;
提取信息能力、解释信息和准确表达信息的能力; 跨学科知识和生活知识,尝试用语言组织观点,思维能力

5 五年级英语阅读能力检测试卷双向细目 试题 测试领域 测试目标 题型 1 理解图表信息 读懂图表并能进行简单概括 阅读调查表 2
直接从文中提取信息 关注并提取有用的信息 完成表格信息 3 看图并理解信息 看懂地图并能解决生活中的实际问题 看图完成短文 4 整体理解文本信息 提取多个信息并进行综合分析,关注思维能力 填空题 5 解释并整合观点与信息 利用文本信息和个人经验对相关问题作出评价、合理解释 回答问题

6 参加总人数 实际统计人数 平均分 满分率 1037 1033 30.49 1.16% 总体表现:1。 总体表现:整体表现相对均衡

7 26.62 25.77

8 分数段 >=35 30-35 25-30 20-25 15-20 10-15 5-10 <5 人数 274 392 202 90 42 16 11 6 比率 26.52% 37.95 % 19.55 % 8.71 % 4.07 % 1.55 % 1.06 % 0.58 %

9 表现一:“从文中直接提取陈述的信息”表现良好
一、阅读调查表(此调查表是对New Star小学五<1>班学生所有学科喜爱程度的情况调查,每位学生限选一个最喜欢的学科),根据下表内容选择恰当的选项。 ( )1. ________________students like Chinese. 二、阅读下列短文,根据要求完成表格信息。

10 表现二:不同学校的学生在“整合信息”的综合理解题目上得分率存在显著差异
0.83 0.70 0.42 0.25 四(2)Usually Mr Black comes back from ______2_______ very late. 5. If you were at the camp, what do you want to do? Why?

11 表现三:不同学校的学生在整体感知上差异明显
0.76 0.21 四、(8)Then he begins to speak like______8_______. “Mother,” he says.”I want to go to WC.” Mrs Black wakes up at once. Then he speaks to her , and she opens the door for him. 五、1. How many children are there at camp? Who are they?

12 当理解遇到语法时...... One ______4_______he comes home very late. It is 11:00 p.m. But he can’t find his______5_______. He rings the bell(按门铃). Nothing happens. He rings it again. Again nothing happens. No one can ______6_______ it. Mr Black knocks(敲)on the window of the bedroom.

13 存在问题 整体感知能力(两个层次:) 2. 整体理解文本的话题 整合信息综合理解文本

14 02 个 人 思 考

15 提取信息后做什么? (整合信息、形成解释能力、合理使用信息并作出评价的能力) 日常教学如何与考试评价对接?

16 1、进行综合、提炼、概括 2、作出解释、类比或推论 3、 合理使用信息并作出评价 4、 运用信息来解决实际问题

17 4. Who is popular(受欢迎的) in the story? Why?
John is picking up(捡起) all the rubbish(垃圾) from our dinner. Everyone likes Mary’s singing and dancing. She is good at singing and dancing.

18 思考二:日常教学如何与考试评价对接? 1. 培养学生良好的阅读习惯 2. 重视学生基础性阅读理解能力发展
3. 促进阅读教学方式与阅读能力发展的良性互动

19 以评价的改革来真正带动教学理念和课堂教学的变革
从凸现语法到强调语境语用; 从关注单一的语言点到语段意义; 从考察形式、结构到考察信息解读和建构能力; 从单技能到跨技能和技能融合,在语篇层面上考查学生获取整合信息,形成自己观点的能力。 (张连仲,2015)

20 跨学科知识和生活知识,尝试用英语思维,用语言做事

21 Who? What? Why? Mike I want to be a dentist.
Many children don’t care about their teeth. I want to help them . Wang Bing help children with their bad teeth care about children’s teeth Liu Tao Su Hai Nancy Yang Ling

22 5. If you were at the camp, what do you want to do? Why?
1. P: Where are they? P: What colour is his sweater? P: Who are they? 2. P1: Is this his book? P2: How much is his pen? P3: Why does she have a pen? P4: Is her pen expensive? P5: What are they doing? P: ...

23 I am at camp(野营) with my classmats and my teacher,Mr White
I am at camp(野营) with my classmats and my teacher,Mr White. My name is Phil. I am short and have red hair. Can you see me? Here I am in a boat with my friend, Jill. She is teaching me how to fish. She is very clever. We cook the fish from the lake. Jack plays a trick(玩笑)—he puts a toy snake(蛇)on Mary’s chair. We all laugh. It’s time for dinner. We are eating the fish. It is nice. It is great to eat out here. John is picking up(捡起) all the rubbish(垃圾) from our dinner. Everyone likes Mary’s singing and dancing. She is good at singing and dancing. It’s time to go to bed. Tom can’t find his glasses. Can you help him find them? He often loses(丢失)his glasses. Mr White is saying “Good night” to us. We really have a good day.

24 03 毕 业 命 题

25 教师要转变观念,把“用语言做事,用语言思考,用语言去交流”的基本价值追求内化于心;

26 命题原则 立足语篇 突出语境 1 弱化语法 重在理解 2 关注思维 凸显语用 3 能力导向 任务先行 4

27 一、重视答题策略指导 二、重视学习方法的指导 三、重视书面表达

28 书面表达评价标准 语篇结构的完整性 语法结构的准确性 句式表达的丰富性 卷面书写的整洁性

29 天宁区小学英语 2016 汇报完毕 感谢聆听 29

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