MCDONALD'S CORP 組員: 古竺艷、曾雪玲、陳炫文.

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1 MCDONALD'S CORP 組員: 古竺艷、曾雪玲、陳炫文

2 動機 選擇麥當勞的原因是因為它是耳熟能詳的速食店,而且每當期中期末考時,麥當勞更是最愛,舒適的環境,冷氣,雖然會有小孩奔跑(真是有活力),在這些環境之下,讀書的心就更加浮現啦。 這就是為什麼會選擇麥當勞的原因, I’m lovin’ it

3 發展史 西元1948年 麥當勞兄弟創造第一家餐廳 西元1954年 麥當勞創始人Ray A. Kroc初遇麥當勞兄弟 西元1955年 Ray A. Kroc成為麥當勞第一位加盟經營者 西元1961年 Ray A. Kroc 向麥當勞兄弟購買商標權, 經營麥當勞餐廳事業 西元1965年 麥當勞股票正式上市 西元1967年 美國以外第一家,加拿大麥當勞成立 西元1978年 全世界5,000家麥當勞 西元1987年 全世界10,000家麥當勞


5 SWOT分析 優勢 生產流程標準化 廣告密集 資金雄厚 市佔率高 速度快 機會 交通便利且車流量大的開店據點,增加商機。
年輕族群為服務人員,帶動活力。 劣勢 流動率高 產品無法兼顧大眾 威脅 負面新聞 競爭者多

6 HTY= (59.54 -56.22)/56.22=0.059 Date Price 4-Apr-08 56.22 7-Apr-08
56.02 8-Apr-08 55.42 9-Apr-08 55.79 10-Apr-08 55.59 11-Apr-08 55.41 14-Apr-08 55.49 15-Apr-08 16-Apr-08 56.31 17-Apr-08 57.11 18-Apr-08 57.56 21-Apr-08 58.59 22-Apr-08 57.94 23-Apr-08 58.41 24-Apr-08 58.65 25-Apr-08 59.75 28-Apr-08 29-Apr-08 59.15 30-Apr-08 60 1-May-08 59.54 2-May-08 60.9 5-May-08 60.96 6-May-08 60.61 7-May-08 60.4 8-May-08 59.73 9-May-08 59.06 12-May-08 59.3 13-May-08 14-May-08 61.35 15-May-08 16-May-08 60.87 19-May-08 60.76 20-May-08 60.28 21-May-08 59.77 22-May-08 58.75 23-May-08 58.37 27-May-08 57.87 28-May-08 29-May-08 58.7 30-May-08 HTY= ( )/56.22=0.059


8 6/10之價格

9 YEAR SALES % CHANGE IN SALES 1997 1998 12,421.00 1999 13,259.00 6.75% 2000 14,243.00 7.42% 2001 14,870.00 4.40% 2002 15,406.00 3.60% 2003 17,141.00 11.26% 2004 19,065.00 11.22% 2005 20,460.00 7.32% 2006 21,586.00 5.50% 2007 22,787.00 5.56% SALES GROWTH RATE: 3 Year Average: 6.13% 5 Year Average: 8.17% Desired Growth Rate: 12.00% Meets Objective? NO

10 YEAR EARNINGS % CHANGE PER SHARE IN EPS 1997 1.15 1998 1.26 9.57% 1999 1.39 10.32% 2000 1.46 5.04% 2001 1.36 -6.85% 2002 1.32 -2.94% 2003 1.43 8.33% 2004 1.93 34.97% 2005 1.97 2.07% 2006 2.30 16.75% 2007 2.89 25.65% EPS GROWTH RATE: 3 Year Average: 14.83% 5 Year Average: 17.55% Desired Growth Rate: 12.00% Meets Objective? YES Earnings per Share have increased MORE than Sales during the past 5 years.

1997 1.76 1998 1.95 10.80% 1999 2.15 10.26% 2000 2.29 6.51% 2001 2.23 -2.62% 2002 2.16 -3.14% 2003 2.36 9.26% 2004 2.88 22.03% 2005 2.98 3.47% 2006 3.43 15.10% 2007 4.05 18.08% CASH FLOW GROWTH RATE: 3 Year Average: 12.22% 5 Year Average: 13.59% Desired Growth Rate: Meets Objective? NO Cash flow per share has increased MORE than EPS during the past 5 years.

12 Price-Earning History

13 Price-Earning History




17 4.511 Capitalization Ranking Sales 22,787,000,000.00 Large Cap
70,693,419,301.43 Style Criteria for Numerical Value Value Price/Book 4.511 Growth < 2.5 Price/Earnings 27.80 <21 Dividend Yield 2.94% > 1.5% P/E to EPS Growth 1.58 <1

18 Sales and Earnings Growth P/E History and Price Information
Summary Sales and Earnings Growth 5-year 3-year Objective Meets Objective Sales 6.13% 8.17% 12.00% NO Earnings 14.83% 17.55% YES Projected 5-year EPS growth 104.12% P/E History and Price Information Historical Numbers High Price Low Price EPS High PE Low PE Avg. PE Div. Yield 3 year 48.03 33.80 2.39 19.87 14.11 16.99 0.43 5 year 40.82 27.60 2.10 19.12 12.70 15.91 0.37

19 Indications of Value Price Earnings P/E Objective Meets Objective Present 59.77 2.15 27.80 21 NO Current PE is MORE 5 year average PE LESS Price increase in the past 5 years 121.37% 100% YES Projected price increase over next 5 yrs 13.09% Projected dividend yield over next 5 yrs 2.20% (Higher is better) Projected total return over next 5 yrs 4.82% Upside/Downside Ratio 0.34 > 3 SELL Zoning Number of shares outstanding 1,182,757,559

20 Evaluating Management
Pre-tax Profit ROE 3 year 20.23% 19.23% (Higher numbers are better for ROE and profit margin) 5 year 18.95% 18.06%

21 結論 雖然在SSG中分析出來,並不是合買麥當勞的股票,帶是他還在緩慢的成長,基本上在我的想法中,股票就是要買長期的,所以,他還在緩慢的成長,表示,他的股價還會繼續升高,所以我還是會買這支股票。

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