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Popular Application Case Study
From Facebook Application Directory
Introduction to Facebook Application Directory
= Not mostly used?! Most Daily Active User No. Newest Approved Application = Daily Active User / Total User
Top 24 “Most Active User” Applications
FunWall Bumper Sticker Top Friends Photos Super Wall Owned! Green Patch Are YOU Interested? Texas HoldEm Poker Friends for Sale Pieces of Flair Mobile Mob Wars Movies Who Has The Biggest Brain? Super Poke! Bowling Buddies iLike Scrabulous Compare People Word Challenge Pokey! Likeness Social Me
Categories of Application
By Developer Social Application Companies Facebook Users Facebook Developers
Categories of Application
By Purpose Enhance Facebook Functionality Game Decorate Profile Photos: 上傳自己的相片 可弄成相簿 Mobile: Use Facebook Mobile to upload photos and notes from your camera phone straight to Facebook. You can also receive and reply to Facebook messages, pokes and Wall posts using text messages, or use your phone’s mobile browser at FunWall: 可以選擇影片、上傳圖片 foward/po在別人的FunWall上 同時也有popular vedio推薦 SuperWall: 類似FunWall 但是也可以在線上自己畫圖 SuperPoke!: 就是Poke 只是可以選擇各種不同方式的poke ex. high five, bite, tickle, pinch... Texas HoldEm Poker: 線上玩牌&聊天 每天可以得到750的免費籌碼 比誰贏的錢多 poke朋友也可以得到chips 如果沒有chip還可以付錢來買... Mob Wars: 犯罪集團衝突的遊戲 可以工作來增加自己的錢和能力值、宣稱占有某城市、找人pk Who Has The Biggest Brain?: 上次玩過... Bowling Buddies: 和朋友玩保齡球遊戲 比賽贏的場數 Scrabulous: word game called Scrabble 自去年7月起在Facebook使用,每日平均有逾60萬人玩。就可與世界各地的朋友在網上玩,既免費又方便。 近期鹹魚翻生的傳統紙版拼字遊戲Scrabble,於1938年由建築師巴特斯(Alfred Butts)發明, 起初名為Lexico。10年後Lexico由一名律師買了版權,並改名為Scrabble。 Scrabble是全球最熱賣的遊戲之一,現於全球121個國家有售,共有29種語言。 50年來Scrabble已售出逾1億套,英國每年平均售逾50萬套,差不多每兩個家庭就擁有一套, 在美國,平均每3個家庭就有一套Scrabble。 Word Challenge: word game 主要是和朋友一起玩的 比賽得分 Bumper Sticker: 可以在自己的profile中加入有圖、有字的stickers來美化,也可以送request給好友推薦使用某一張sticker Pieces of Flair: 類似bumper sticker只是把它換成flair 除了使用現有的以外也可以自己製作 Pokey!: 在自己的profile裡養狗狗 & 和牠玩
Categories of Application
By Purpose Sell / Evaluate Your Friends Contribute to Humankind Favorite Sharing Top Friends: 編輯自己的top friends名單,可顯示在自己的profile裡,也可以發給朋友award、 隨時得知自己top friend的news Owned!: 買賣朋友、也可以把買到的朋友當禮物送人 主要是為了要增加自己有的錢 & 提高自己的身價?! are You interested?: 別人會評價你是否interested、你也會去評價你的朋友 Friends for sell: 類似Owned! 把人當寵物來買賣 買了以後可以送禮物 沒錢的話 只要邀請朋友、 填問卷etc就可以拿到錢 Compare People: 題目會隨便挑你兩個朋友來給你做比較 然後告訴你說where you fit 你也可以看你的各類別中有哪些朋友 Likeness: 針對問題將答案進行排序 去看你和哪個朋友相像 Social Me: tag your friends Green Patch: Our sponsors contribute money to save the Rainforests as you use this application. After expenses we will donate revenue to funding a portfolio of reforestation projects. Thanks for joining us in this mission! We hope you have fun! 幫朋友在他們的green patch上種樹 Movies: take the Movie Compatibility Test、評價自己看過的電影、紀錄想看哪部片、看過什麼片 iLike: iLike lets you add music to your profile and find your favorite concerts You can also search and add streaming music to your profile, and discover new music based on what your friends are listening to.
Why People Like to Use These App?
For Convenience Photo, Mobile Want to Have a Good Rank All of the Games Share With Friends FunWall, Super Wall, Super Poke, iLike, Move Want to Know How Others Think About You All Evaluate Your Friends Applications
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