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Presentation on theme: "閱讀的技巧."— Presentation transcript:

1 閱讀的技巧

2 請回顧自己閱讀文章或書籍時是否有 任何策略?
反思 請回顧自己閱讀文章或書籍時是否有 任何策略? 請思索自己研讀中文與英文文獻是否有閱讀習慣差別? 有哪些相似?有甚麼樣的差異? 困難點在哪裡? 閱讀中文的策略是否可應用於閱讀英文文獻上?

3 反思 閱讀不全然是為了樂趣,一位學習者如何有效閱讀是很需要學習的重要技巧
接下來我們來看一小篇英文文章作為範例,給同學五分鐘閱讀,之後探討同學看到一篇英文文章,會: 先從哪個地方開始閱讀? 第二會注意到什麼地方? 閱讀時候會不會停頓? 停頓下來是為甚麼原因?

4 閱讀英文的五個訣竅 Be prepared At first sight It’s all in the details
Words, words, words! Final reading

5 閱讀英文的五個訣竅 Be prepared At first sight → skimming
First look at the title and any pictures. This will give you a good idea of the topic. Think about what you already know. Next, predict what the reading will be about. Think about what you want to learn and write down any questions. At first sight → skimming Now that you've got a general idea of the topic, read the entire text over once without stopping. Don't worry about the details. In the beginning, try to get a feeling for the main idea. When you're done, think about how much you've understood and remembered.

6 閱讀英文的五個訣竅 It’s all in the details → scanning
Find answers to those questions you wrote down before. Read the text again, yet slowly and carefully. Look for any words or phrases that relate to your questions. Underline anything else interesting and important. Once you're finished, you have a fuller understanding of the text. Words, words, words! → key words, context No need to understand every word. Pick out key words or phrases you don't know and write them down. Try to guess the word's meaning from context. Then use the dictionary to see how close your guess was.

7 閱讀英文的五個訣竅 Final reading
Read the text one more time. You can now focus on any unusual grammar structures or sentence styles. When you've finished, sit back and think about everything you've just learned.

8 閱讀英文的五個訣竅 接著閱讀上篇短文之中譯文字,一樣利用五分鐘時間,之後探討閱讀英文及中文版本「方法」之間的差別

9 其它要領:找出主題句 例:主題句之位置可以在一段落之首或尾
資料來源:國立高雄師範大學張玉玲院長 例:主題句之位置可以在一段落之首或尾 1The punishment of criminals has always been a problem for society. 2Citizens have had to decide whether offenders such as first-degree murderers should be killed in a gas chamber, imprisoned for life, or rehabilitated and given a second chance in society. 3Many citizens argue that serious criminals should be executed. 4They believe that killing criminals will set an example for others and also rid society of a cumbersome burden. 5Other citizens say that no one has the right to take a life and that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. 6They believe that society as well as the criminal is responsible for the crimes and that killing the criminal does not solve the problems of either society or the criminal.

10 其它要領:無主題句之段落怎麼辦? 看完整段,推敲主旨或歸納出主題句、汰蕪存菁後,較可了解文中主旨
資料來源:國立高雄師範大學張玉玲院長 看完整段,推敲主旨或歸納出主題句、汰蕪存菁後,較可了解文中主旨 1It is a fact that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. 2Statistics show that in states with capital punishment, murder rates are the same or almost the same as in states without capital punishment. 3It is also true that it is more expensive to put a person on death row than in life imprisonment because of the costs of maximum security. 4Unfortunately, capital punishment has been used unjustly. 5Statistics show that every execution is of a man and that nine out of ten are black. 6So prejudice shows right through.

11 其它要領:預覽 (Previewing) Previewing – If the text is long and heavy 使用方式
資料來源:國立高雄師範大學張玉玲院長 Previewing – If the text is long and heavy 使用方式 Read the entire first two paragraphs of whatever you’ve chosen. Read only the first sentence of each successive paragraph. Read the entire last two paragraphs. Attention Previewing does not give you all the details. But it does keep you from spending time on things you don’t really want or need to read. Notice that previewing gives you a quick, overall view of long, unfamiliar materials. From “How to Read Fast” (by Bill Cosby, 1986)

12 其它要領:預覽 資料來源:國立高雄師範大學張玉玲院長 運用例 1The punishment of criminals has always been a problem for society. 2Citizens have had to decide whether offenders such as first-degree murderers should be killed in a gas chamber, imprisoned for life, or rehabilitated and given a second chance in society. 3Many citizens argue that serious criminals should be executed. 4They believe that killing criminals will set an example for others and also rid society of a cumbersome burden. 5Other citizens say that no one has the right to take a life and that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. 6They believe that society as well as the criminal is responsible for the crimes and that killing the criminal does not solve the problems of either society or the criminal.

13 其它要領:概覽/跳讀 Skimming – If the text is short and simple 使用方式 Attention
資料來源:國立高雄師範大學張玉玲院長 Skimming – If the text is short and simple 使用方式 Think of you eyes as magnets. Force them to move fast. Sweep them across each and every line of type. Pick up only a few key words in each line. Attention You should pick up content words (such as Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives or Adverbs), phrases or clauses. Everyone may skim differently From “How to Read Fast” (by Bill Cosby, 1986)

14 其它要領:概覽/跳讀 資料來源:國立高雄師範大學張玉玲院長 運用例 1The punishment of criminals has always been a problem for society. 2Citizens have had to decide whether offenders such as first-degree murderers should be killed in a gas chamber, imprisoned for life, or rehabilitated and given a second chance in society. 3Many citizens argue that serious criminals should be executed. 4They believe that killing criminals will set an example for others and also rid society of a cumbersome burden.

15 創造性閱讀的技巧 資料來源:國立台中教育大學劉瑩教授 預測 速讀 (默讀、略讀) 朗讀 精讀 讀後討論 運用心智圖分析故事結構

16 閱讀策略:PSQ3R (1/2) 預測 (predict) → 鍛鍊獨立思考的能力 概覽 (survey)
資料來源:國立台中教育大學劉瑩教授 預測 (predict) → 鍛鍊獨立思考的能力 依標題預測 概覽 (survey) 概覽全文時,遇生難詞要做記號,讀後查字典 提問 (question) → 鍛鍊發現問題與解決問題的能力 以閱讀故事為例,提問內容如下: 故事中有哪些主要的角色? (人物) 故事一開始在說些甚麼? (起) 接下來發生了甚麼事? (承) 故事轉折的地方有哪些? (轉) 故事的結果是甚麼? (合) 本故事的中心主旨為何? (主旨) 師生討論時,請學生在文本上圈選關鍵字 或應用6W法則: What Where When Who Why How

17 閱讀策略:PSQ3R (2/2) 精讀 (read) → 深入精讀,尋找提問的答案 提要記憶 (recite) 複習 (review)
資料來源:國立台中教育大學劉瑩教授 精讀 (read) → 深入精讀,尋找提問的答案 提要記憶 (recite) 背誦、筆記、劃記 閱讀後,用心智圖作摘要,找出中心思想,分列大綱,延伸旁枝 複習 (review) 針對關鍵字,回憶內容,並講出來 (think aloud)

18 試著將上面學到的閱讀技巧應用至底下範例文章

19 試著將上面學到的閱讀技巧應用至底下範例文章

20 試著將上面學到的閱讀技巧應用至底下範例文章

21 小結 Tips on reading comprehension PSQ3R 把閱讀技巧運用於貴組欲探索的專題及取得的文獻上
PSQ3R 把閱讀技巧運用於貴組欲探索的專題及取得的文獻上 把閱讀技巧應用在你的工作領域中

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