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新标准(三起)小学英语五年级上册M6 U1课件

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1 新标准(三起)小学英语五年级上册M6 U1课件
金太阳教学资源 ------专注教育,服务教师------

2 Module 6 Unit1 You can play football well. 你足球能踢得很好。

3 我会读新单词 well 好地 team 队,组 football team/basketball team control 控制 badly 不好地 really 真正地,确实地 catch 接住,抓住 fantastic 极好的,极出色的

4 What can you see? dog bird girl boy

5 Chant I can fly. I can fly. I can run. I can run.
Bird, bird, what can you do? I can fly. I can fly. Dog, dog, what can you do? I can run. I can run. Girl, girl, what can you do? I can sing. I can sing. Boy, boy ,what can you do? I can swim. I can swim.

6 Let’s listen and learn

7 Do you want to be in our football team?(加入)
你想加入我们的足球队吗? Yes,I do. But I don't play well. 是的。 但是我踢不好。

8 ▲Can you run fast ? No, I can't. 你能控制住球吗 ? V ery badly. 你能跑得快吗 ?
不,我不能。 ▲Can you control the ball ? 你能控制住球吗 ? V ery badly. 非常糟糕。

9 ▲But you can jump really high.
但是你真的跳得真的很高。 ▲And you can catch the ball well. 你接球能接得很好。 ▲So you can be a good goalkeeper. 所以你能成为一个很好的守门员。

10 Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper.
玲玲是一个很出色的守门员。 ▲You can play football well, Lingling. 玲玲,你踢足球踢得很好。

11 Do like this . I can _______________. play football well 足球踢得好
run fast 跑得快 jump high 跳得高 play football well 足球踢得好 catch the ball well 接球接得好

12 Group work. What can you do?
快乐的假日. I can swim cook play computer games play football play baskitball sing

13 今天作业 抄写单词 抄写带有▲的重点句

14 Goodbye!

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