如何利用教学资源库 提高师生的信息素养 How to Utilize the Teaching Resource Library

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Presentation on theme: "如何利用教学资源库 提高师生的信息素养 How to Utilize the Teaching Resource Library"— Presentation transcript:

1 如何利用教学资源库 提高师生的信息素养 How to Utilize the Teaching Resource Library
to Improve Teachers’ and Students’ Information Literacy 甘肃省天祝一中 Tianzhu No.1 Middle School, Gansu Province 马林芳 Ma Linfang

2 引言 Introduction 在青树基金会的大力支持下,我参与的小型项目《天祝一中教学资源库》得以完成。在师生使用资源库的过程中积累了一些提高信息素养的方法,下面就一起来分享一下。 With the support of Evergreen Foundation, the project I worked on, Teaching Resource Library of Tianzhu No.1 Middle School, has been completed. I would like to share with you what I have gained in terms of improving information literacy through the utilization of the Database.

3 内 容 导 览 Outline 上传、下载资源提高信息共享能力
Upload and Download Resources: Information Sharing 共享外部资源,提高获取信息的能力 Share External Resources: Information Acquisition 录制课堂实录,提高信息处理的能力 Make Teaching Videos: Information Processing 利用信息技术培训,提高师生的信息素养 Provide Training in Information Technology: Information Literacy

4 信息共享 Information Sharing
信息共享指不同层次、不同部门信息系统间,信息和信息产品的交流与共用,就是把信息这一种在互联网时代中重要性越趋明显的资源与其他人共同分享,以便更加合理地达到资源配置,节约社会成本,创造更多的财富。是提高信息资源利用率,避免在信息采集、存贮和管理上重复浪费的一个重要手段。 Information sharing refers to the exchange and sharing of information and information products among different information systems. The goal is to rationalize resource distribution, reduce social cost and create more social wealth. Also, it is an important way to use information resources more efficiently and avoid wasteful duplication in acquisition, storage and management of information.

5 师生通过上传下载资源达到资源共享目的,提高信息共享的能力。
Teachers and students can upload and download resources for resource sharing and their ability of information sharing will be improved. 教学资源库 Teaching Database 下载资源 下载资源 上传资源 Downloading Downloading Uploading 教师机 Teachers’ Computers 学生机 Students’ Computers 教师机 Teachers’ Computers

6 Teachers are making teaching slides.
教师制作课件 Teachers are making teaching slides. 教师制作课件 Teachers are making teaching slides.

7 获取信息的一般过程 General Process of Information Acquisition
Make adjustments Determine information demands Choose information sources Determine means of information acquisition Evaluate information correctness

8 共享外部资源,开阔师生眼界,提高师生获取 信息的能力
Share external resources to broaden teachers’ and students’ minds and improve their ability of information acquisition.


10 信息处理 Information Processing
信息处理就是对信息的接收、存储、转化、传送和发布等。 Information processing is to receive, store, transform, transmit and release information. 信息处理:(一系列过程) Process of Information Processing 接受 Receiving 存储 Storing 转化 Transforming 发布 Releasing 传送 Transmitting

11 通过课堂实录,提高师生信息处理的能力 Make teaching videos to improve teachers’ and students’ ability of information processing.

12 培训师生的信息应用能力 Provide Training in Information Application for Teachers and Students
1、培训上传下载资源的方法 1. Training in uploading and downloading resources 2、培训在搜索引擎中快速找到自己所需内容的方法 2. Training in using searching engine to quickly find the information needed

13 培训学生 Training students 培训教师 Training teachers

14 谢谢 Thank you!

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