第四單元 微積分基本定理.

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Presentation on theme: "第四單元 微積分基本定理."— Presentation transcript:

1 第四單元 微積分基本定理

2 Who links differentiation and Integration?
Hi! My name is Newton, I invented the “Calculus”! Oh No! He told a lie.

3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Consider the function A(x)

5 Proof of Fundamental theorem of Calculus

6 Proof of Fundamental theorem of Calculus

7 Evaluating a definite Integral

8 Example Solution: By Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

9 The Second Fundamental theorem of Calculus

10 Example

11 Theorem

12 Leibnitz Rule

13 Reason of Leibnitz Rule

14 Definition( Even Function)

15 Theorem( Odd Function)

16 Theorem

17 Theorem

18 Example

19 單元結語 本單元將微分和積分貫穿相連,是非常重要的觀念,同學常常忽略本單元的重要性 。
本單元正式賦予不定積分的功用,沒有微積分基本定理,不定積分只是反導數而已。 學過微積分基本定理,求曲線下的面積變得不必要辛苦的求黎曼和,是強而有力的計算面積工具。

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