“Consider Him,” let Christ thy pattern be, And know that He hath apprehended thee To share His very life, His pow‘r divine, And in the likeness of thy.

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Presentation on theme: "“Consider Him,” let Christ thy pattern be, And know that He hath apprehended thee To share His very life, His pow‘r divine, And in the likeness of thy."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Consider Him,” let Christ thy pattern be, And know that He hath apprehended thee To share His very life, His pow‘r divine, And in the likeness of thy Lord to shine. 要思想耶穌,以祂作模型, 好在你身上顯出祂榮形; 祂已經賜你永遠的生命, 並使你享受復活的大能。 (1) Consider Him 要思想耶穌

2 “Consider Him”; so shall thou, day by day, Seek out the lowliest place, and therein stay, Content to pass away, a thing of nought, That glory to the Father’s name be brought. 要思想耶穌,天天都如此, 要自甘卑微,不再有大志; 那無窮生命也要多認識, 靠復活大能經歷主的死。 (2) Consider Him 要思想耶穌

3 “Consider Him,” and thus thy life shall be Filled with self-sacrifice and purity; God will work out in thee the pattern true, And Christ‘s example ever keep in view. 要思想耶穌,一生當這樣, 要活在幔內,常見主榮光; 若棄掉自己,必知主心意, 一脫離自己,純潔又安息。 (3) Consider Him 要思想耶穌

4 “Consider Him,” and as you run the race, Keep ever upward looking in His face; And thus transformed, illumined thou shalt be, And Christ‘s own image shall be seen in thee. 要思想耶穌,當你在向前, 要一直向上瞻仰祂榮面; 必榮上加榮,變成祂形狀, 使祂的形像顯在你身上。 (4) Consider Him 要思想耶穌

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