Flight Attendant Interview 空服員面試

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1 Flight Attendant Interview 空服員面試
課文 Cooper:Great. So, what do you think the most important flight attendant duties are? 庫伯:很好。那麼,妳覺得空服員的職責中,最重要的是什麼? Emma:To ensure the constant safety and comfort of the passengers, and also to provide outstanding customer service. 愛瑪:確保乘客一路的安全與舒適,而且提供一流的座艙服務。 Cooper:That's right. And what is the most important quality for flight attendants to have? 庫伯:沒錯。那麼妳覺得空服員最重要的特質是什麼? Emma:That they are excellent communicators. 愛瑪:他們必須是一流的溝通者。 Cooper:Why is that important? 庫伯:為什麼這很重要? Emma:Because the job requires you to relate to people of all backgrounds and cultures in many different situations. 愛瑪:因為這份工作需要你在許多不同的情況下,與來自各種背景與文化的人打交道。

2 單字片語 ◎ensure vt. (某條件)確保(某結果) 例:Hard work ensures success
單字片語 ◎ensure vt.(某條件)確保(某結果) 例:Hard work ensures success.(努力工作確保成功。) .insure vt.保險 .insure sth against… 為某物保……之險 例:You should insure your house against fire.(你的房子應該保火險。) ◎constant a.不斷的 例:Many people are now in constant fear of losing their jobs.(許多人現在不時擔心失去工作。) ◎outstanding a.傑出的 例:Tim is one of the most outstanding students in my class.(提姆是我班上最傑出的學生之一。) ◎relate to sb 與某人打交道;與某人建立關係 例:Being easy-going and thoughtful, Diana finds it easy to relate to people from different backgrounds.(黛安娜隨和體貼,因此她覺得與不同背景的人打交道不是難事。) 出自:2008年12月05日蘋果日報

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