外研社 Book 5 Module 4 Carnival

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1 外研社 Book 5 Module 4 Carnival
Period 1 Chinese Traditional Festivals(补充)

2 It is celebrated on_________. What do you do during it?
The Spring Festival It is __________. It is celebrated on_________. What do you do during it? lunar January 1


4 路神生日 –正月初五 Birthday of Road God

5 It is ________________. It is celebrated on________.
The Lantern Festival It is ________________. It is celebrated on________. What do you do this day? Lunar January 15


7 Spring Dragon Festival

8 纪念春秋的介之推 寒食节 ---农历四月初四

9 It is celebrated on _____. What do you do this day?
Clean Brightness Festival Lunar April 5

10 It is __________________. It is celebrated on ________.
What do you do this day? Dragon Boat Festival Lunar May 5


12 农历六月初六 天贶节--宋真宗赵恒。家家晒龙袍
翻经节--佛教的一个节日,传说唐僧到西天取经回来,不慎将所有经书丢落到海中,捞起来晒干了,方才保存下来。因此寺院藏经也在天贶节这一天翻检曝晒。 姑姑节 --农村的风俗都要请回已出嫁的老少姑娘,好好招待一番再送回去。 农历六月初六

13 It is celebrated on _______.
七夕节—农历七月初七 It is ___________. It is celebrated on _______. Seventh Night of the Seventh Lunar Month Lunar July 7

14 It is _________. It is celebrated on _______.
盂兰盆节 ---农历七月十五日也称“中元节”有些地方又州俗称“鬼节” Lunar July 15 It is _________. It is celebrated on _______. Ghost Festival

15 地藏神 地藏节---农历七月三十是一个宗教节日 Tiezang Festival

16 It is celebrated on _________.
Mid-Autumn Festival It is ____________. It is celebrated on _________. Lunar August 15

17 It is _______. It is celebrated on _______.
Double Ninth Festival Lunar September 9 It is _______. It is celebrated on _______.

18 It is also called ___________.

19 祭祖节--农历十月初一,又称为“烧衣节”
Ancestor Sacrificing Festival

20 The Winter Solstice Festival
冬至节--在二十四节气中,冬至也最受重视 The Winter Solstice Festival

21 腊八节---农历腊月初八

22 灶王爷 小年----腊月二十三日


24 What do you do this night?
New Year’s Eve It is _______. It is on _________. What do you do this night? Lunar December 30

25 岁岁平安 年年如意

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