Unit Three Summary FOOD AND DRINKS 食物和饮品.

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1 Unit Three Summary FOOD AND DRINKS 食物和饮品

2 Vocabulary


4 早上 zǎoshang Morning 吃 chī To eat 喝 hē To drink 茶 ch1 Tea 咖啡 kāfēi coffee 水 shuǐ water 牛奶 ni%nǎi milk 面包 mi3nbāo bread 鸡蛋 jīd3n Egg 每 měi every 都 dōu all 早饭 zǎof3n breakfast

5 苹果 píngguǒ apple 红(色) hóng red 要 yào to want 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit 呢 ne interrogative word 果汁 guǒzhī juice 汽水 qìshuǐ soft drink 绿(色) lǜ(sè) green 粉红(色) fěnhóng (s-)pink 蔬菜 shūcài vegetable 今天 jīntiān today 黄(色) huáng(sè) yellow

6 喜欢 xǐhuan to like 海鲜 hǎixiān seafood (青)菜 (qīng)c3i green vegetable 牛肉 ni%ròu beef 鱼 y% fish 也 yě also, too 米饭 mǐf3n rice 面条 mi3nti1o noodle 谢谢 xi-xie thank you


8 上 早 牛 吃 Game---Slap the Board
Two students stand in front of the board. The teacher or another student speak out the word, the one who slaps the correct word first wins. 8 8

9 汉字认读 9 9

10 汉字认读 10 10




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