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VisualDx 視覺診斷支援資料庫.

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Presentation on theme: "VisualDx 視覺診斷支援資料庫."— Presentation transcript:

1 VisualDx 視覺診斷支援資料庫

2 什麼是VisualDx 1,600家美國機構 50%美國醫學學校 VisualDx為一個: 內容涵蓋完整一般內科與專科如下:
內容由超過100位醫生編輯、經由同儕評論(peer reviewed)以實證為 基礎 提供支援診斷、 重點照護(point of care)作業流程的參考型工具。 內容涵蓋完整一般內科與專科如下: Infectious disease Occupational health Dermatology Drug eruptions Travel medicine Eye and oral health 1,600家美國機構 50%美國醫學學校

3 不可不知的VisualDx密碼資訊 26分鐘 97% 2,800 120% 40,000+ VisualDx
120%- 根據隨機、盲目研究VisualDx改善診斷準確率高達120% (而根據中國醫藥大學發表在BMJ的研究,提高了18%的診斷準確率) 97%- 使用過VisualDx的醫師,97%信賴使用VisualDx改善point of care 26分鐘- 臨床人員使用VisualDx於工作中,每天可以省下26分鐘 2,800+- 資料庫收錄2,800+疾病 (其中1,500+疾病 full write ups 40,000+-收錄超過40,000+疾病影像或是臨床治療導引圖、臨床陷阱示意圖等等

4 不可不知的VisualDx密碼資訊:大揭密
97%- 使用過VisualDx的醫師,97%信賴使用VisualDx改善point of care 26分鐘- 臨床人員使用VisualDx於工作中,每天可以省下26分 鐘 2,800+- 資料庫收錄2,800+疾病 (其中1,500+疾病 full write ups 40,000+-收錄超過40,000+疾病影像或是臨床治療導引圖、臨 床陷阱示意圖等等

5 簡單使用 只要輸入病人的症狀即可立即建立鑑別診斷資訊
或利用“Quick Start Differential Builder”以瀏覽點選症狀方式進行

6 案例 A 30-year-old woman went to the emergency room a few weeks after returning to the United States from a visit with her family in Ghana, where she was born and raised. She was five months pregnant with her second child and was feeling sick with a fever, chills, and diarrhea. She became alarmed when she began vomiting repeatedly and noticed signs of jaundice.  一位30歲女性去迦納探親後 回到美國。幾周後因為身體 不適到急診室就診。 臨床症狀: 懷有五個月身孕(第二胎) 發燒 (fever) 畏寒 (Chills) 腹瀉 (diarrhea) 嘔吐 (vomit) 黃疸 (jaundice) Malaria 瘧疾

7 一步一步輸入病患症狀建立診斷資訊




11 練習題 一位20歲男子因發燒就 診。最近跟朋友去登山, 身上有多處被蚊蟲叮咬。 臨床症狀:
A 20-year-old man went to the doctor complaining of a fever. He had been hiking recently with friends and had gotten a significant number of insect bites, which he had been scratching non-stop – particularly one on his hand, which had become quite red. An erythematous rash in a linear configuration had spread up his arm. Upon exam, the doctor noted regional lymphadenopathy. 一位20歲男子因發燒就 診。最近跟朋友去登山, 身上有多處被蚊蟲叮咬。 臨床症狀: 發燒 線形紅疹 局部淋巴結腫大

12 Quick Summary 一個視覺型臨床診斷支援系統 為臨床醫師團隊為共團撰寫建制 內容經由peer review,以實證為基礎建立
透過症狀逐步建立鑑別診斷 經過國內外統計分析證實使用VisualDx有效提高診斷 準確

13 Question Discussion

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