Construction Safety Week

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1 Construction Safety Week
建造業安全週 Safety Summit Meeting 安全高峰會議 21st May 2012 2012年5月21日

2 Vision & Policy 前瞻及策略 Aim for incident-free environment 旨在締造“零事故”工作環境
Commitment to maintain and continuously improve safety standards 持續提昇安全標準 AAHK Management accountable for safety 機管局管理層問責工作安全 Promulgation of safety awareness through safety communication and training 透過安全通訊與訓練 推廣安全意識 Regular review of Safety Management System 定期檢討安全管理系統 2

3 Problems & Analysis 疑難及分析
Multi-layer Subcontracting System in HK Construction Industry 香港建造業多層分判制度 Inadequate safety commitment by sub-sub-contractors and workers 次分判商及其工人缺乏安全承擔 Inadequate investment in site safety 短缺的安全資源 Highly competitive tendering environment can lead to reduced budgets allocated to site safety 競爭激烈的工程投標削弱安全資源的預算 Insufficient time allowed for safe construction 短促的施工期引發不安全施工 Tremendous time pressure on projects jeopardises safety 追趕施工期的壓力往往犧牲工作安全 3

4 Problems & Analysis 疑難及分析
Heavy reliance on law enforcement 側重法例規管 Some hazardous areas may not be adequately addressed by existing safety legislation 現行安全法例未必能涵蓋所有危險範圍 Law enforcement approach cannot help build a caring and safety culture 強制執法未能幫助建立一個互相關懷和顧及安全的文化 Little motivation to change unsafe behaviour and unsafe practices 法規極少能改變不安全行為和不安全施工習慣 4

5 Successful Measures 達致成功的措施
AA Fall Protection Rating System 機管局防止高空下墮的評級系統 Promote safe working at height and advocate full provisions for fall protection 旨在推廣高空工作的安全與防墮裝備 Benchmarking contractors’ standard in safety provisions against fall-from-height 評級各承建商的防墮標準及裝備 AA Automatic Lightning Warning System 機管局自動閃電預警系統 Automatic system to disseminate “Red” & “Amber” lightning warnings to contractors “紅色”與“黃色”閃電警告由自動系統通知各承建商

6 Successful Measures 達致成功的措施
Analysis & Recapitulation of Accidents on Airport Projects 機場建造工程的意外事故分析及重溫 Data useful for contractors in preparing their accident prevention programmes 有關分析資料能幫助承建商制定防止意外方案 Recap of major accidents/incidents on airport projects keep contractors alert to common site safety issues 重溫在機場建造工程發生的嚴重意外和事故能提高各承建商對相關事故的警覺和避免 Safety Highlights  安全要點 Monthly presentations by the AA at PD Safety Management Meeting on the good & bad safety practices found on airport sites 在機管局建築工程部每月的安全管理會上,舉列機場工地視察所見的安全和不安全情況,讓各承建商分享及參照

7 Successful Measures 達致成功的措施
Safety Alerts 安全警報 Provide alerts of serious accidents/incidents on local sites to raise contractors’ awareness 遇有建造業的嚴重意外事故,即發放警報,以提高各承建商的警覺 Member of the Construction Safety Benchmarking Group 建造安全基準組成員 Look to benchmark, share and improve safety standards on construction sites by regular exchanges with this Group of major construction clients 基準組成員為主要建造工程業主,於定期會議中分享及改善施工安全標準 Airport Staff Safety Recognition Scheme 機場員工安全嘉許計劃 Quarterly and annual promotion schemes to foster safety culture and to enhance safety awareness 季度與週年安全推廣計劃促進各機場伙伴之安全文化及提高安全意識

8 Initiatives & Way Forward 主導及未來路向
Focus on preventing accidents which may be fatal or which may lead to permanent disability 目標集中防止致命或導致永久性傷殘的嚴重意外發生 Allow sufficient time for safe construction of projects 策劃足夠施工期,讓工程可安全地進行 Ensure safety is properly considered at the planning and design stages 確保在工程的規劃和設計階段中,已將安全元素包納 Provide safety training programmes for new workers to the construction industry and also for those new to airport project sites 對新入行及新到機場項目地盤的工人提供安全培訓 Proactive engagement with contractors through the airport-wide Safety Management Meetings 透過每月機場安全管理會議與各承建商積極硏討及促進工作安全 Continue to implement Pay for Safety 持續推行‘安全項目支付計劃’

9 Safety is The HEART of Our Business
Remember : “ You SEE You ACT ” Work Safely

10 - END -

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