參與夥伴 李旻宜,張瑾榕,鄭佩珊,鄭喻云 張俐婷,黃于芳,陳音竹,劉淑卿

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Presentation on theme: "參與夥伴 李旻宜,張瑾榕,鄭佩珊,鄭喻云 張俐婷,黃于芳,陳音竹,劉淑卿"— Presentation transcript:

1 參與夥伴 李旻宜,張瑾榕,鄭佩珊,鄭喻云 張俐婷,黃于芳,陳音竹,劉淑卿
電影英文社群 參與夥伴 李旻宜,張瑾榕,鄭佩珊,鄭喻云 張俐婷,黃于芳,陳音竹,劉淑卿


3 I need volunteers!!! What is the movie about?
What message does the movie try to tell us? I need volunteers!!! True beauty is found within. Read, dream and believe.

4 Purposes of learning 增加對英文學習的熱情 強化英文能力 從影片強化多元思考能力與正確的價值觀

5 英文學習頻道小影片 Voicetube, Youtube
影片類型 TED 影評 文化介紹

6 影片類型(Feminism) 美女與野獸(Beauty and the Beast) 飢餓遊戲(Hunger Games)
神力女超人(Wonder Woman) 麻辣女王(Miss Congeniality) 靈書妙探(Castle)

7 Questions for Discussion
What’s the difference between Beast and Gaston? Define the term “Stockholm Syndrome”. Do you think Belle has Stockholm Syndrome? Why or why not? Choose one character you like most and give your reasons. What scene impresses you most? Define “true love” and “true beauty”.

8 Debate Do you think beauty pageants are to reward women for being beautiful? Can you accept to have a plastic surgery to make yourself more beautiful? Should beauty pageants exist? Give reasons.

9 Movie Review Voice-over for a movie trailer

10 Thank YOU.

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