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Unit3 SectionA New Words

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1 Unit3 SectionA New Words
07应用法学 周飏

2 screw 1.screw n. 螺丝,螺丝钉 2.screw v. ⑴拧动某物,拧紧 ⑵欺骗某人 screw sb (for sth)
 ⑴拧动某物,拧紧  ⑵欺骗某人 screw sb (for sth)    e.g: How much they screw you for?  ⑶鼓起勇气做某事 screw up one’s courage  ⑷从某物中拧出某物  screw sth out of sth e.g:Screw the water out of the sponge.

3 certify 1.certify v. ⑴ (尤其指书面)证明(某事物) certify sb/sth as sth
e.g: a document certifing sb’s birth ⑵ (有用于被动)证明(精神失常) e.g: He was certify and sent to a mental hospital. 2. certifiable adj. 可证明的,应证明的 certificate n. 证明书 certification n. 证明

4 alert 1.alert n. 境界期间,警报,警惕 2.alert v. ⑴使(士兵等)警戒,戒备
e.g: Why were the police alerted? ⑵提醒某人注意某事 alert sb to sth 3.alert adj. 警惕的,警觉的,机警的 4.alertly adv. 警惕地 5.alertness n. 【U】警惕

5 roast 1.roast v. ⑴烤(肉等) ⑵烘干或考某物 ⑶烤火,晒太阳 ⑷严厉批评(某人[某事物])
e.g: The critics roasted her new play. 2.roast adj. ⑴烘烤的 ⑵严厉批评的,嘲讽

6 leak 1.leak v. ⑴(指容器)漏 ⑵(液体或气体)渗入或益出 e.g: The rain’s leaking in.
⑶透露或泄露情报 e.g: Who leaked this to the press. 2.leak n. ⑴漏洞,裂缝 ⑵漏电 ⑶秘密或情报的泄露或透露 ⑷撒尿


8 Unit 3 section A new words part one 07应法 薛宇

9 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Rent rent1 名词 n. 1.租金,租费[C][U] I've got to pay my rent this morning. 今天上午我必须付房租。 2.出租的财产(指房子、地产等)

10 Unit 3 section A new words part one
及物动词 vt. 1.租用,租入 They rented a cabin for their vacation. 他们为度假租了一间小屋。 2.租出[(+to/out)] I have rented the house out to a very nice family. 我把房子出租给了一户很好的人家。

11 Unit 3 section A new words part one
不及物动词 vi. 1.出租[(+at/for)] This house rents for US$ 800 a month. 这间屋子月租八百美元。 This farm rents for $1,500 a year. 这农场以每年一千五百美金出租。

12 Unit 3 section A new words part one
rent2 (rend的过去式和过去分词) rend 动词v.撕裂,猛拉 名词 n. 1. 裂缝,破洞[C][(+in)] The earthquake left a rent in the wall. 地震使墙上裂了一条缝。 形容词 a. 1. 撕裂的;分裂的 The party was rent with mutual strife. 该党因互相倾轧而四分五裂。

13 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Opt 动词v. 选择 Most people opt for buying their own homes rather than renting them. 大多数人愿意买房子而不愿意租房子. He opted to go to Paris rather than London. 他决定去巴黎, 不去伦敦.

14 Unit 3 section A new words part one
OPT (Optimized Production Technology,最佳生产技术)是一种改善生产管理的技术,以色列物理学家Eli Goldratt博士于70年代提出,用于安排企业生产人力 OPT和物料调度的计划方法。最初被称作最佳生产时间表(Optimized Production Timetable),80年代才改称为最佳生产技术。

15 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Drum 名词 n. 1.鼓[C] 2.鼓状物;圆桶;滚筒;鼓轮;磁鼓[C] Oil is shipped in drums. 汽油装桶运送。 3.鼓声;打鼓般的声音 不及物动词 vi. 1.打鼓 2.咚咚地敲 He drummed on the table. 他在桌上敲击。 3.(鸟,昆虫等)发出嗡嗡声

16 Unit 3 section A new words part one
及物动词 vt. 1.打鼓奏(曲调);敲出(曲调) 2.咚咚地敲 He has the annoying habit of drumming the table with his fingertips. 他有用手指尖敲击桌子的恼人习惯。 3.大力征集,召集[(+up)] We couldn't drum up enough boys to make a football team. 我们召集不到足够的男孩组成足球队。 4.灌输 I drummed the traffic regulations into my son's head. 我对儿子反复讲了交通规则。

17 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Sticky 形容词 a. 1.粘的;涂有粘胶物质的;泥泞的 His fingers are sticky with jam. 他的手沾了酱,粘糊糊的。 2.【口】湿热的 3.【口】棘手的,麻烦的 They put me in a sticky position. 他们将我置于一个困难的境地。 4.【美】【口】过于多情的,易感伤的 5.不灵活的,易卡住

18 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Entitle 及物动词 vt. 1.给...权力(或资格)[(+to)] What entitles you to order us about? 你有什么权力命令我们做事? This ticket entitles you to a free lunch. 凭这张票你可免费享用午餐。 Women are entitled to maternity leave. 妇女有权享有产假。 2.给(书等)题名;给...称号 He entitled the book "Love Story". 他把书取名为《爱的故事》。

19 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Liberal 形容词 a. 1.心胸宽阔的,开明的,公允的[(+in/to)] The headmaster has liberal views about what his pupils should wear. 校长对他的学生应穿什么服装这一点持开明的态度。 2.自由主义的,允许变革的,不守旧的 The church has become more liberal in this century. 本世纪教会变得不那么守旧了。 3.通才教育的 Many educators advocate a liberal education. 很多教育家提倡通才教育。 4.慷慨的,大方的[(+with/of)] He is liberal with his money. 他花钱大方。 5.大量的,丰富的,充足的 My uncle gave me a liberal amount of money during my college years. 我上大学期间,我叔叔给了我很多钱。 6.自由的,不拘泥于字面意思的

20 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Liberate vt.解放,使获自由 【化】释放 Liberated a.无拘束的,放纵的 Liberation n.解放,解放运动 【化】释出,放出

21 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Paste 名词 n. [U] 1.浆糊 He stuck the sheets of paper together with paste. 他用浆糊把这些纸张粘在一起。 2.(做糕点用的)面团 Mix the butter and flour into a paste. 将奶油和面粉合成面团。 3.糊状物;糊,酱;膏 She spread some tomato paste on the fried fish. 她在炸好的鱼上涂了一层番茄酱。

22 Unit 3 section A new words part one
及物动词 vt. 1.用浆糊粘贴 Posters were pasted up on the bulletin board. 布告栏上贴了一些海报。 2.涂[(+with)] He had two pieces of bread thickly pasted with butter. 他吃了两片涂有厚厚一层奶油的面包。

23 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Donation 名词 n. [(+to)] 1.捐献,捐赠[U][C] She made a donation of $5,000 to the Children's Hospital. 她捐了五千美元给儿童医院。 Donate 及物动词 vt. 1.捐献,捐赠[(+to)] She donated her books to the library. 她把自己的书捐赠给图书馆

24 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Crawl 不及物动词 vi. 1.爬,爬行,蠕动 He watched the baby crawl across the room. 他看着婴儿从房间这边爬到那边。 2.缓慢地移动,徐徐行进 It was rush hour and we crawled along at 15 miles an hour. 遇上了高峰时间,我们的车子以每小时十五英里的速度缓慢行驶。

25 Unit 3 section A new words part one
3.(常用进行时)(为虫,蚁等)爬满,充斥着[(+with)] The lawn was crawling with ants. 草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。 4.(由于恐惧,厌恶等)起鸡皮疙瘩,汗毛直竖 My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night. 夜晚万籁俱寂时突然听到一声尖叫,吓得我汗毛直竖。 5.谄媚奉承,巴结[(+to)] He never crawls to his superiors. 他对上司从不卑躬屈膝。

26 Unit 3 section A new words part one
Traffic was slowed to a crawl. 来往车辆只得减低速度十分缓慢地行驶。 crawl2 1.(海边浅滩)养鱼池[C]

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