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Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

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1 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?
Section B 2a---2e A Country Music Changed Her Life Forever 阅读课 No.21

2 Myself Name: Job: Hobby: Cindy English teacher listening to music

3 What kind of music do you like best? why?
hip-hop rock pop country music music jazz ... classical

4 Sarah A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever Title (题目)
[fər‘evə]y永远 Sarah

5 Read and match the main ideas
Fast reading Read and match the main ideas 计时 开始 What’s Sarah’s dream? Who is Sarah? What is country music? Para1 Para2 Para3 Tip1 Topic sentence (主题句) is usually the first/last sentence.

6 Read Para1, find out some facts about Sarah.
Careful reading Read Para1, find out some facts about Sarah. Hometown the US Place of study England American country music Her favorite music 计时 开始 Tip2 Make notes while reading


8 Read Para2 and 3, find out some facts about country music.
Careful reading A kind of music from . . traditional meaning the southern states of America belonging to a group content About home Nashville, Tennessee country music a famous place A Country Music Hall of Fame Museum 1 a famous singer 2 Garth Brooks the good It brings us back to It reminds us that value old days 计时 开始 the best things in life are free


10 乡村音乐名人堂与博物馆(Country Music Hall of Fame Museum)坐落于“乡村音乐之都”的纳什维尔,它是最大的一个为流行音乐中的单一分支而专门设立的博物馆。通过电影、电视、电脑上的互动操作、乐器、服装和明星们的私人物件(包括汽车)的展示,将为参观者提供一次引人入胜的游览,穿越于乡村音乐的过去和现实之间。

11 Garth Brooks 加斯·布鲁克斯(Garth Brooks 1962年2月7日-)是二十世纪九十年代以来最重要的乡村歌手,RIAA认证为美国最畅销的艺人之一,仅次于披头士和猫王,位列第三位。截止2013年底共发行19张专辑,其中9张为冠军专辑,6张获钻石唱片认证(与披头士并列第一),全美唱片销量近7000万张,全球销量过2亿张,2012年选入乡村音乐名人堂。


13 Read Para1and 3,find out Sarah’s change
Careful reading 2 1 A song full of feelings about returning home What kind of country music song changed her life? Sarah’s change 计时 开始 She used to How has the country music song changed her life? She used to fight everything with her family Later she missed her family Now she has a , she hopes to and dream go to Nashville see Garth Brooks sing live.

14 1 2 Summary 计时 开始 Sarah is from…, she is a fan of….and she likes…very much because it …her life. Country music is a ….kind of music. It’s from the……of America. It is about……..It brings us back to...and reminds us that… Sarah’s dream is…., she hopes to….. Tip3 Summarizing(总结)can help you better understand the text.

15 ACountry Music song Changed Her Life Forever
likes Sally

16 Groupwork Song Sharing
Is there a song that you always like singing ? Is there a song that touches your heart? Discuss your favorite song in groups, then share it with us. 先分组谈论你们小组最喜爱的一首歌,然后全员上台分享。 the name of the song the style of music favorite song the feeling when listening to it. the content of the song(内容关于……) the effect on you (对你的影响) the reasons why you like it

17 1 2 Report(报告): Our favorite song is Take me home,
计时 开始 Our favorite song is Take me home, country road. It is country music. It’s about country life. When we listen to it, we are moved(感动的). We like it because it makes us think about our family. 要求: (1)内容:谈论你最喜爱的一首歌 (2)形式:六人为一小组讨论后,全员上台report 。 (3)准备时间:2分钟 评分标准 clear 1 loud wonderful sentences

18 Song Sharing 评分标准 clear 1 loud wonderful sentences

19 Enjoy music, enjoy life, enjoy ourselves!

20 What we have learnt today ?
Read a passage about Sarah and country music Learn and use the new Reading Strategy: Summarizing Write a summary about the passage

21 Homework: 1,Read the passage for further understanding
2.Write a short passage about your favorite song.

22 Thank you and bye bye

23 乡村音乐(Country Music)出现于20世纪20年代,它来源于美国南方农业地区的民间音乐,最早受到英国传统民谣的影响而发展起来。最早的乡村音乐是传统的山区音乐(Hillbilly Music),它的曲调简单、节奏平稳,带有叙述性,与城市里的伤感流行歌曲不同的是,它带有较浓的乡土气息。山区音乐的歌词主要以家乡、失恋、流浪、宗教信仰为题材,演唱通常以独唱为主,有时也加入伴唱,伴奏乐器以提琴、班卓琴、吉他等(50年代中期以前,传统的乡村音乐乐队里没有鼓)为代表。

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