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2012 Seminar in Life Science

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1 2012 Seminar in Life Science
101-1 書報討論

2 目的 表達能力 臨場應變 組織整理能力 資料收集能力 專業英文能力

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26 常犯的小錯誤 聲音太小聲 一邊講一邊笑 錯誤的發音 答非所問

27 重講 重講只有一次機會 請針對第一次報告的缺陷進行改善 沒有重講或是重講不及格者當掉

28 2011 Seminar in Life Science

29 Protein Expression and Purification, 2011, In Press
Cloning, purification and characterization of a thermostable carboxylesterase from Anoxybacillus sp. PDF1 Protein Expression and Purification, 2011, In Press Fulya Ay, Hakan Karaoglu, Kadriye Inan, Sabriye Canakci and Ali Osman Belduz

30 Anoxybacillus sp.

31 Anoxybacillus sp. PDF1 Seferihisar Karakoc Hotspring in Turkey

32 Lipases Lipases (triacylglycerol acylhydrolases; EC
( NOTES/ENZYMES/enzyme_mechanism.html) (Protein Data Bank)

33 Lipases Esterases (carboxylic–ester hydrolases; EC
( (

34 Lipases Consensus a.a. sequence: Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly
( NOTES/ENZYMES/enzyme_mechanism.html) Consensus a.a. sequence: Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly Ser-Asp-His : “catalytic triad” Hydrolysis and synthesis of esters Hydrolysis and transesterification of triacylglycerols Resolution of racemic mixtures

35 Carboxylesterase Food industry, biological detergent, medical applications and enzymatic production of lipophillic chemicals Extreme stability at elevated temperatures and in organic solvents High regio- and stereo-specificity, no cofactor required, stable even active in organic solvents

36 Aim Cloning and characterization of a thermostable carboxylesterase from Anoxybacillus sp. PDF1

37 Framework Isolation and idetification of Anoxybacillus sp. PDF1
Carboxylesterase cloning Overexpression of PDF1Est in E. coli Purification of PDF1Est by heat-shock and ion-exchange Temperature pH Metal ion and other reagents Kinetic parameters

38 Cloning PDF1Est was directly cloned by PCR according the sequence of A. flavithermus lipase PCR primers: EstF1:5’-CCCATGGTGTAAGATGATTCC-3’ EstR1:5’-CGGAATTCCTATCTACCAATCTAATGATTC-3’ NcoI EcoRI

39 Cloning pGEM-T vector system A

40 Cloning pGEM-T vector system

41 Cloning PDF1Est was directly cloned by PCR according the sequence of A. flavithermus lipase PCR primers: EstF1:5’-CCCATGGTGTAAGATGATTCC-3’ EstR1:5’-CGGAATTCCTATCTACCAATCTAATGATTC-3’

42 Cloning PDF1Est was a 714 bp ORF encoding a hypothetical 246 a.a. protein (26 kDa) PDF1Est was identified as carboxylesterase by Blast search

43 Expression pET28a(+) T7 promoter E. coli BL21(DE3):pLysS pLysS

44 Expression of PDF1Est 2 L LB with 50 mg/mL kanamycin
1 mM IPTG induction at OD600 = 0.6 11,000 rpm for 5 min. after 4 h, 37 ℃ induction Sonication in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) buffer 80 % power, 0.6 cycles/5 min. 14,800 rpm for 15 min. to collect cell-free supernatant

45 Purification of PDF1Est
55 oC, 15 min, 14,800 rpm 15min, discard precipitate Q-Sepharose Fast Flow (50 ×1.5 cm) Gradient elution M NaCl with 1 mL/min flow rate Dialysis overnight against 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) 14,800 rpm for 15 min. to collect cell-free supernatant Protein conc. (Bradford) and enzyme activity assay

46 Purification of PDF1Est
Ion-exchange purified Heat-treated Crude PDF1Est, ~26 kDa

47 Substrate specificity

48 Enzyme activity test p-NPB(10 mM in MeCN): EtOH:50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) = 1:4:95 0.3 mL enzyme solution mL substrate solution incubated for 20 min. p-nitrophneyl butyrate OD405 (yellow) Unit definition: 1 U of enzyme = amount of enzyme liberating 1 mmol of p-NP/min at 60oC

49 Effect of Temperature 40-90oC preincubation for 30 min.
Residual activity at 60oC

50 Effect of pH Preincubation for 30 min. at pH 5-10
Residual activity at pH 8

51 Effect of metal ion

52 Effect of reagents

53 Kinetic parameters Km = 0.348 mM Vmax = 3725.8 U/mg
Kcat = 1500 ±54.50/s

54 Discussion The identity of PDF1Est to lipases/esterases:
91% to A. flavithermus WK1 80% to Geobacillus stearothermophilus Est30 79% to G. kaustophilus HTA426 79% to G. thermolevorans EstA 79% to G. thermodenitrificans NG80 Est30

55 Discussion The classification of PDF1Est (Arpigny and Jaeger, 1999):
Some similarity to the family VI: 23-26 kDa Active to short-chain triacylglycerides Catalytic triad: Ser93, Asp192 and His 222

56 Phylogenic analysis MEGA 4.1 software (neighbor joining method) new VI

57 Discussion Belongs to new carboxylesterase family
Heat-treatment and Q-Sepharose purification yield high activity and pure carbpxyesterase

58 Discussion Short chain fatty acid substrate is preferred (to long chain) Good thermo-stability among carboxylesterases

59 Discussion PDF1Est follow simple Michelis-Menten kinetics
Km value is in the range of industrial esterase ( M)

60 Discussion Inhibit by Co2+ and Zn2+ Ca2+ independent
Not a metalloprotein (not inhibited by EDTA) Serine esterase (inhibited by PMSF)

61 Conclusion The stability of the enzyme in broad pH and high temperature suggests its usefulness in industrial applications

62 E. Coli BL21 series

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