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Eric Clapton Is God! 艾力克萊普頓

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1 Eric Clapton Is God! 艾力克萊普頓

2 艾力克萊普頓大事紀錄 本名Eric Patrick Clapton的Eric Clapton,1945年3月30日出生於英國小鎮Ripley,從小對藍調與美國節奏藍調就有濃厚的興趣,於是他開始學習吉他。他回憶道:「當時只要能看到Bo Diddley與Chuck Berry一眼,我就高興的昏了頭。所以當我發現Muddy Walters與Robert Johnson時,對我的影響力都很大。」 60年代早期,參與過數個英國藍調樂團後,Eric Clapton成為The Yardbirds的一員,該團中的三個團員Eric Clapton、Jeff Beck、Jimmy Page後來都成為英國這十年來,三位最頂尖的吉他手。他在1966年脫團加入John Mayall的Bluesbreakers,之後,他與貝斯手Jack Bruce與鼓手Ginger Baker成立了Cream,很快的,該團便成為60年代晚期最傑出的搖滾三人組。

3 Eric Clapton…… 年間艾力克萊普頓幾乎年年推出新作品,他長久建立的吉他風格也越發受人肯定與學習,這時期作品當以「461 Ocean Boulevard」以及1977年底發行的「Slowhand」專輯為代表,而「Slowhand」正是他參加Yardbirds以來的暱稱,也是他吉他彈奏最為人稱道的特質-感情躍然指尖,「Slowhand」專輯裡的"Wonderful Tonight"是一般樂迷最熟知的一首抒情搖滾曲。

4 Eric Clapton …… 1991年3月老來得子的艾力克萊普頓痛失骨肉,年僅4歲的Conor從窗戶失足墜樓,這個打擊幾乎讓他再度一蹶不振,不過將近50歲的艾力克萊普頓將他思念之苦寄情歌中,於是產生"Tears In Heaven"這首歌,它首先被收錄於電影「迷途枷鎖」(Rush)的原聲帶中,這也是艾力克萊普頓全程參與的配樂作品。 在1992年發行單曲後很快得到白金唱片並蟬聯亞軍,同年3月份他錄製MTV音樂台相當受歡迎的不插電小型演唱會(Unplugged)時再度表演此曲,不論是現場或是後來發行的「Unplugged」專輯,大家都深切感受到艾力克萊普頓發自肺腑真情演唱。

5 “ Wonderful Tonight” It's late in the evening; she's wondering what clothes to wear. She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair. And then she asks me, "Do I look all right?" And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight." We go to a party and everyone turns to see This beautiful lady that's walking around with me. And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?" And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight."

6 I feel wonderful because I see The love light in your eyes
I feel wonderful because I see The love light in your eyes. And the wonder of it all Is that you just don't realize how much I love you. It's time to go home now and I've got an aching head, So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed. And then I tell her, as I turn out the light, I say, "My darling, you were wonderful tonight. Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight."

7 Rule 1 == Bisyllable (two-syllable) nouns usually have primary stress on the first syllable. evening make-up party lady wonder darling Rule 2 == Bisyllable verbs and adjectives contain one stressed syllable which is the historical word “root” from which verbs and adjectives are derived. brushes walking aching

8 Rule 5 == A majority of three-syllable nouns and adjectives have primary stress on the first syllable. wondering wonderful everyone beautiful Rule 7 == Verbs of three or more syllables ending with –ate and –ize ( -ise) have the stress on the third syllable from the end . The ending –ate is pronounced /et/. realize

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