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Presentation on theme: "GRANT UNION HIGH SCHOOL"— Presentation transcript:

:格兰特联合高中 Title I school 校名 2,000 – 2,200 student population 在校2000多学生 90% of students have free lunch (low social economic status) 因 为是低收入家庭90%的学生有免费午餐 40% of student population are English Language Learners (Hispanic; Hmong and Lao refugees) are Special Education 40%会英语,西班牙人,洪族人,是特殊教育 At least 30% of students don’t live with parents (foster home, relatives)30%不在父母身边,寄养家庭或亲戚家 Math skills of almost 50% of student population is 1 to 2 grade levels behind其中50%的学生的数学要比同年龄的低一两个级别 P. Hinlo, 2010

2 COLLABORATION GOALS 合作目标 70% of students in each class achieve in math70%能学好数学 Weekly collaboration to discuss lesson delivery, teaching strategies, assessment results, and make revisions to plans as needed 每周合作讨论讲课方式,方法,考查成绩,必要的修改计划 Standards-driven reform is the primary approach标准驱动的改革是首要办法 Activate student conceptual knowledge when presented with a real-life problem solving situation使学生在日常生活中能够运用概念知识解决问题 Improve student motivation, participation, and generalization skills 增加积极性,参与性和举一反三的能力 P. Hinlo, 2010

Involves teachers of same subject matter 同一门课的授课教师 Weekly collaboration to discuss lesson delivery, teaching strategies, assessment results, and make revisions to plans as needed 每周合作讨论讲课方式,方法,考查成绩,必要的修改计划 Standards-driven reform is the primary approach标准驱动的改革是首要办法 Planning for curriculum, pacing, common formative assessments, sharing of best practices during summer break.计划课程,进度,测试,暑假期间分享最佳案例 P. Hinlo, 2010

4 An organized approach to factoring 2nd degree trinomials 分解二次三项式
Factoring Trinomials 分解三项式 An organized approach to factoring 2nd degree trinomials 分解二次三项式 P. Hinlo, 2010

5 Factoring Trinomials 三项式分解 Use this algorithm (procedure) to take a lot of the guesswork out of factoring trinomials.使用算术减少分解 因式时的猜测 To get the most out of this presentation, use pencil and paper and work through the instructions slowly and carefully.为保证大家的效率,请大家拿出纸笔跟随老师的步 奏 Keep in mind that this will not do the factoring for you. But it does give you a standard routine to use so that you can focus on the numbers.谨记这不是为你 分解,而是提供标准模式,使你关注数字 P. Hinlo, 2010

6 Multiply the leading coefficient and the constant term
Step 1 第1步: Multiply the leading coefficient and the constant term 将系数与常数项相乘 P. Hinlo, 2010

7 Step 2 第2步: Find the two factors of 24 that add to the coefficient of the linear term 找到两个数,它们的和是单项式的系数,它们的积是24 P. Hinlo, 2010

8 Re-write the original trinomial and replace 10x with 6x + 4x.
Step 3 第3步: Re-write the original trinomial and replace 10x with 6x + 4x. 改写三项式,用6x+4x代替10x P. Hinlo, 2010

9 Group the first and last pairs of terms
Step 4 第4步: Group the first and last pairs of terms 两两搭配 P. Hinlo, 2010

10 Factor out the GCF of each pair of terms
Step 5 第5步: Factor out the GCF of each pair of terms 分解出每一对的最大公因数 P. Hinlo, 2010

11 Factor out the common binomial
Step 6 Factor out the common binomial 分解出公因项 P. Hinlo, 2010

12 Step 7 Therefore 得出 P. Hinlo, 2010

13 Try it. You’ll like it! 试一试就会喜欢 That’s all folks! P. Hinlo, 2010


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