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Meng [Juvenile Ignorance ] (Kan below Gen Above )

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1 Meng [Juvenile Ignorance ] (Kan below Gen Above )
《周易》上經第四 蒙卦 艮上坎下 山水蒙 Meng [Juvenile Ignorance ] (Kan below Gen Above )

2 釋卦名 「蒙」的本義,《說文》曰:「蒙,王女也,从艸,冢聲。」上頭從草,可知它是一種草名;它有王女、唐蒙、兔絲(見爾雅、釋名)及女蘿等異名。它是覆披在古木枝稍、或叢雜懸垂的地衣類植物。本卦取義在一個人智力未明、事理未通、情理渾沌、幻想與實際未判時,正像蒙草一樣。這時必須有開發蒙昧的人予以點撥、啟發,才可以開竅,使一切就緒。

3 卦辭 Judgment 亨。 匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我。 初噬告,再三瀆,瀆則不告。利貞。
As this is so, if one were instead to try to achieve perspicacity by cultivating rectitude [in others], this would be to misconstrue the Dao involved.

4 彖辭 Commentary On The Judgments
彖曰:蒙,山下有險,險而止,蒙。蒙亨,以亨行時中也。匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我,志應也。初筮告,以剛中也。再三瀆,瀆則不告,瀆蒙也。蒙以養正,聖功也。 Consists of a dangerous place below a mountain. In danger and brought to a halt: this is Meng. “Meng brings about prevalence”: Meng operates through prevalence and is a matter of timeliness and the Mean. “An initial rendering of the yarrow stalks should be told” : this he can do because of his strength and adherence to the Mean. “But a second or a third would result in violation. If there were such violation, I should not tell him,” The one who would bring about this violation is the Juvenile Ignorant. To take Juvenile Ignorance and cultivate rectitude in it is the meritorious task of the sage.

5 釋彖辭 Commentary On The Judgments
「匪」,同非;「筮」,即問;「告」,即示、語;「瀆」,即褻,有冒犯之意。 本卦卦體上艮山、下坎水,艮取象為止、坎取象為險,象人闇昧之時進退維谷。又艮體兩陰進於一陽之下、坎體一陽陷於兩陰之中,俱有陰傷其陽而闇昧之意。 求脫蒙之道,又分為二:一為養蒙之法,在於先天之初、在於真,非由勉強、出於自然,一如初筮者於策未分陰陽未判之時,需當虛靜誠敬,以行無為道,故曰:「匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我,志應也」。二為發蒙之道,及筮已畢,陰陽已判,則當尊之,以其行變化制裁,以行陽剛中正有為之道,而不有他疑,故曰:「初筮告,以剛中也。再三瀆,瀆則不告,瀆蒙也。蒙以養正,聖功也」

6 象辭 Commentary On The Image
象曰:山下出泉,蒙;君子以果行育德。 Below the Mountain emerges the Spring: this constitutes the image of Juvenile Ignorance. In the same way, the noble man makes his actions resolute and nourishes his virtue.

7 釋象辭 Commentary On The Image
本卦卦體上艮山、下坎水,故曰 「山下出泉」。泉水自山中流出,流 向大海,雖然到江海的距離很遠,但 它從來不懷疑江海的遠,雖然千曲百 折,但終必到達。這一趟行程甚為果 斷,果斷則天下沒有不可成的行為。 君子見於此,則必知修德必以果行, 方能成其聖功。 此泉水果行之義,可與坎卦彖辭「水 流而不盈,行險而不失其信,維心亨 ,乃以剛中也,行有尚,往有功也」 互相參照。

8 爻辭-初六 First Yang 發蒙,利用刑人,用說桎梏,以往吝。
With the open up of Juvenile Ignorance, it is fitting both to subject him to the awareness of punishment and to remove fetters and shackles, but if he were to set out in this way, he would find it hard going.

9 小象-初六 First Yang Commentary On The Image
象曰:利用刑人,以正法也。 “It is fitting to subject him… to the awareness of punishment”: one does this by rectifying what the law is.

10 釋爻辭-初六 First Yang 初六居全卦之初,下卦坎之最下,陰居陽位,於上無應,上承九二。
「發蒙」即發矇,目盲而復明,是去黑暗之境而入光明之域之象。「說」即脫;「桎」是足械;「梏」是手械。刑人脫去桎梏,初出囹圄,不知所往,故曰「以往吝」。 此防陰於蒙卦之初,是蒙卦初爻開始發動的現象,居下卦坎之最下,猶如山下開始流泉,需加以節制,勿使姑息養奸、縱容流竄。由本爻引申教育啟蒙犯過者之比喻。

11 爻辭-九二 Second Yang 包蒙,吉;納婦,吉;子克家。
To treat the Juvenile Ignorance with magnanimity means good fortune. To take a wife means good fortune. His child will be up to taking charge of the family.

12 小象-九二 Second Yang Commentary On The Image
象曰:子克家,剛柔節也。 “His child will be up to taking charge of the family”: the strong and the weak [generation by generation] accept [succeed] one another.

13 釋爻辭-九二 Second Yang 九二居下卦坎之中,陽居陰位,與六五相應,下乘初六。

14 爻辭-六三 Third Ying 勿用取女,見金夫,不有躬。無攸利。
It will not do to marry this woman. Here she sees a man strong as metal and discards her self-possession, so there is nothing at all fitting here.

15 小象-六三 Third Ying Commentary On The Image
象曰:勿用取女,行不順也。 “It will not do to marry this woman”: her behavior is disobedient.

16 釋爻辭-六三 Third Ying 六三居下體坎之末,陰居陽位,乘於九二,應於上九。
六三陰居陽位,居非其位,又不中不正,居三位又有躁動之象,雖與上九陽爻相應,但又近乘於九二,既嚮往上九,又捨不得九二,故失去主張。 此爻不中不正,恣情縱欲,故曰「勿用取女」。「勿用」是指人心用事,貪財好色,像淫奔之女,見金夫不能自己,未得於人,早失其己,是蒙又滋生蒙也。

17 爻辭-六四 Forth Yang 困蒙,吝。 Here confounded by Juvenile Ignorance, one becomes base.

18 小象-六四 Forth Yang Commentary On The Image
象曰:困蒙之吝,獨遠實也。 The baseness associated with being “confounded by Juvenile Ignorance” is due to being alone at a distance from the solid and the real.

19 釋爻辭-六四 Forth Yang 六四陰居陰位,於下無應。

20 爻辭-六五 Fifth Yang 童蒙,吉。 The Juvenile Ignorance here will find good fortune.

21 小象-六五 Fifth Yang Commentary On The Image
象曰:童蒙之吉,順以巽也。 The good fortune associated with Juvenile Ignorance here is due to compliant behavior achieved through an obedient mind.

22 釋爻辭-六五 Fifth Yang 六五居於全卦尊位,下應九二,上承上九,陰居陽位。

23 爻辭-上九 Top Ying 擊蒙,不利為寇,利禦寇。
Strike at Juvenile Ignorance, but it is not fitting to engage in harassment; it is fitting to guard against harassment.

24 小象-上九 Top Ying Commentary On The Image
象曰:利用禦寇,上下順也。 “It is fitting to guard against harassment”: For those above and those below will all comply.

25 釋爻辭-上九 Top Yang 上九居全卦之極,陽居陰位。

26 六爻逐釋 初六:此貴在防陰於蒙昧之初。 九二:此能養陽於蒙昧之時。 六三:此蒙昧而又滋生蒙昧。 六四:此喻蒙昧而不知其蒙昧。
六五:此喻蒙昧而自知其蒙昧。 上九:此喻蒙昧而終能不蒙昧。

27 六爻時位變化吉凶 蒙卦所闡述的是生命的教育。蒙者,昏昧無知之義。因此觀蒙卦六爻,由啟發智慧,有教無類,帶出因自己對於自己的不了解而無法為自己作主的生命情境,因此碰到重大的阻礙不易克服,故需要有勇於學習的勇氣,而童子秉性純良,正是承教的好資質,碰到需儆戒時,為了不使其為惡,只有採用嚴厲的管理使其就範。雖然蒙卦所提到的階段層次有所不同,但蒙卦所引申出來的意義,正是在陰陽與先天後天之間如何找到正途,去人心而振道心,使陰氣退而陽氣全,保先天以養後天,如此則不再有昏蒙。

28 易學萬花筒-蒙卦的應用 婚姻:大多難成,媒妁之言亦不可,該女子與此男子不 宜。 疾病:寒熱往來,咽喉疼痛,眼目昏悶,心下熱結,飲食
不進,氣血不循,瘡毒在體內凝滯生腫塊,有久而 不癒之症,暫時也不可怠乎治療。 買賣:遲而為宜,急則有損失。 訴訟:是凶,且涉久長。 運氣:當得此爻之人雖謂大人,童蒙知識未開,如事理不 能分明之時,是非邪惡不能辨,迷昧方向。童蒙需 良師,從於良友,其聰明啟開若有亨通之理,虛心 選擇有思慮之親戚朋友,宜從其意見處事,若成正 直堅固,就漸漸向吉,急速之事不能成,又有疑惑 思案不定,或發生損失而後悔。

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