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Skills for listening comprehension

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1 Skills for listening comprehension
改善自己的朗读和发音习惯。 音变现象:NATIVE SPEAKER有很多连读,失音以及缩读等现象,由于发音习惯不同,因此不适应,即使听几遍也不知所云。 口语突破听力。 美国心理学家研究表明,相同材料每复述一遍对其理解力上升三倍。或者熟读听力原文,模仿原文native speaker的发音。

2 Skills for listening comprehension
听语调。 注意听每个句子中的重读词,因为被读得重的词往往是说话者要传达给听者的重点信息。这样不但可以迅速地抓住所听内容的大意,并且能节省大量的精力和时间。

3 Unit 5 Office

4 Warming-up Exercises Conversations Passages Supplementary
1 Warming-up Exercises 2 Conversations 3 Passages 4 Supplementary 5 The world of humor

5 Working in an office cooperation
communication 1 6 operation 2 5 3 4 cooperation

6 Part Ⅰ 1. C No one ever listens to a word the boss says. 2. A I didn’t discourage Helen from doing her computer program. 3. D Mary never wakes up before her alarm goes off. 4. A I didn’t mean to cause you so much trouble. 5. B He didn’t remember to lock his door when he left.

7 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B 6. B It’s impossible to find Charlie after 6 p.m.
No one could keep him from speaking. 8. D Diana was too excited to sit quietly. 9. A That kind of problem isn’t completely unknown. 10. B Never have I heard such an unconvincing explanation!

8 11. C In no way do I blame you for what happened! 12. A She has hardly any friends. 13. B The tour was worth neither the time nor the money. 14. B Not many bosses are as nice to their secretaries as Mr. Martin is. 15. C . Betty didn’t have to work overtime.

9 16. C This is the first and last time I go camping with Clark. 17. D They ran out of gas on the bridge. 18. A Students rarely miss one of Professor Blake’s lectures. 19. B What I don’t understand is how she got all that information. 20. B Never before have I heard the professor give such an interesting English lecture.

10 Repetition Listening Skills Ⅰ


12 A 1. typing; should 2. following; figure; show 3. through; finds
4. trouble; suggestions 5. chance; pretty

13 1.Write down key words as many as possible for the first time;
Listening Skills Ⅱ

14 2. Pause for 7-8 seconds to write down the whole sentence;
Listening Skills Ⅱ

15 3.Write down the missing words for the third time.
Listening Skills Ⅱ

16 B 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D

17 Get familiar with business English words
Listening Skills Ⅲ

18 C 1. The manager will be free; personally 2. rather busy; tomorrow
3. my asking; rather urgent 4. disturb; ring; find 5. kind of you; the least I can do

19 Role play Background: Task:
A: you’re the secretary for Mr. Bell, the boss of a textile company called APPLE. B: you’re Mr. Black, the client from USA Task: B calls A to make an appointment with Mr. Bell, but he is not available at the moment. A how to answer the phone, and B how to succeed in meeting the boss.


21 D 1. 3 months 2. The 1st of June 3. To tell him that he would get a rise in salary 4. At the end of the week 5. To tell his wife about the good news

22 Make notes or write down all the words you hear from the mp3
Listening Skills Ⅳ

23 E 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. D

24 Knowing basic information about business works
Listening Skills Ⅴ

25 D 1. inquiries; quotation; orders; delivery
2. customers; salesman; agents 3. the production of goods for export; the suppliers 4. transportation and payment 5. keep sales records; secretarial work


27 Elements Page


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