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10/23 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)

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1 10/23 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)
I can speak and read the vocabulary of Lesson 16 Dialogue 1. I can understand and use Resultative Complement 结果补语 and Directional Complements 方向补语.

2 Dì kè: yuē hùi 第十六课:约会 Lesson Sixteen: Dating

3 Duì huà yī Kàn diànyǐng 对话一:看电影 Seeing a Movie

4 Duì huà èr wǎn j`u yāo yuē 对话二:婉拒邀约 Turing Down An Invitation

5 第十六课 学习目标 (Lesson 16 Learning objectives)
In this lesson, you will learn to use Chinese to Describe how long you’ve known someone; Invite someone to go on a date; Make the necessary arrangements to go out with friends; Accept a date courteously; Decline a date politely; End a phone conversation without hurting the other person’s feelings.

6 第十六课 学习目标 (Lesson 16 Learning objectives)
Forms & Accuracy: Descriptive complements (II) Potential Complements 就 (jiù) Directional Complements (II)

7 第十六课 对话一 Shēng cí 生词 vocabulary

8 tóng same; alike adj

9 印象 Yìnxiàng impression n

10 Chéng to become v

11 to show (a film); to perform Yǎn v

12 Fèi to spend; to take (effort) v

13 力气 Lìqi strength; effort n

14 Jiù just; only (indicating a small number) adv

15 Liǎ (coll.) two nu+m

16 后天 Hòutiān the day after tomorrow t

17 一言为定 yì yán wéi dìng that settles it; that’s settled; it’s decided
Chinese 4 characters idiom

18 to show (a film); to perform Yǎn v

19 演 Yǎn (to show a film; to perform ) verb
现在电影院演什么电影? Little Li has a good impression of Little Wang; later on they become good friends. Q:这个电影是谁演的? A:这个电影是成龙演的。

20 演 Yǎn (to show a film; to perform ) verb
这个周末学校演一个新的电影,你想去吗? The school is showing a new movie this weekend. Would you like to go? Q: 那个电影是谁演的? Who is playing in that movie? A:是成龙演的。 It is played by Jackie Chen.

21 第十六课 对话二 Yǔ fǎ 语法 grammar

22 你汉字写得快吗? 我汉字写得很慢。 他跳得怎么样? 他跳得很好/很高/很快。
得 de (use in Descriptive Complements ) particle 你汉字写得快吗? 我汉字写得很慢。 他跳得怎么样? 他跳得很好/很高/很快。

23 得 de (use in Descriptive Complements ) particle
我们玩得很高兴。 Wǒmen wánr de hěn gāoxìng. We had a happy time playing. (We played. We were very happy.)

24 得 de (use in Descriptive Complements ) particle
孩子笑得很可爱。 Háizi xiào de hěn kě’ài. The kid gave a very cute smile. (The child smiled, and the child looked cute.)

25 得 de (use in Descriptive Complements ) particle
他打球打得很累。 Tā dǎ qiú dǎ de hěn lèi. He was worn out from playing ball. (He played ball, and he was worn out.)

26 得 de (use in Descriptive Complements ) particle
他高兴得又唱又跳。 Tā gāoxìng de yòu chàng yòu tiào. He was so happy that he ended up singing and dancing. (He was happy, and he was singing and dancing.)

27 得 de (use in Descriptive Complements ) particle
In the sentences above, the verbs 玩 (wán), 笑 (xiào), and 打球 (dǎ qiú) and the adjective 高兴 (gāoxìng) give the causes. The complements 高兴 (gāoxìng), 可爱 (kě’ài), 累 (lèi) and 又唱又跳 (yòu chàng yòu tiào) describe the effects on the subject. when an adjective serves as a descriptive complement, it is often preceded by the adverb 很 (hěn), just like a predicate adjective.

28 Q:这封中文信你看得懂吗? A: 我看得懂。 Verb + 得 + resultative complement
Zhè fēng Zhōngwén xìn nǐ kàn de dǒng ma? Can you understand this Chinese letter? A: 我看得懂。 Wǒ kàn de dǒng. Yes, I can understand it.

29 Potential Complements
得 or 不 is placed between a verb and a resultative or directional complement to indicate whether a certain result can be realized or not.

30 Q:五十个饺子你吃得完吃不完? Wǔ shí ge jiǎozi nǐ chī de wán chī bu wán?
Potential Complements: Verb + 得/不 + complement Q:五十个饺子你吃得完吃不完? Wǔ shí ge jiǎozi nǐ chī de wán chī bu wán? Can you eat fifty dumplings or not? A1: 吃得完。 chī de wán Yes, I can do it. A2: 吃不完。 chī bu wán

31 跳舞太难,我学不会。 Tiàowǔ tài nán, wǒ xué bu huì.
Verb + 不 + resultative complement 跳舞太难,我学不会。 Tiàowǔ tài nán, wǒ xué bu huì. Dancing is too difficult. I can’t learn it.

32 这张碟我今天看不完。 Verb + 不 + resultative complement
Zhè zhāng dié wǒ jīntiān kàn bu wán I can’t finish watching this DVD today.

33 Q:你晚上六点半点能回来吗? A:我得开会,六点半回不来。 Verb + 不 + directional complement
Nǐ wǎnshang liù diǎn bàn néng huí lai ma? Can you be back by 6:30 p.m.? A:我得开会,六点半回不来。 Wǒ děi kāi huì, liù diǎn bàn huí bu lái. I have a meeting, and can’t make it back by 6:30 p.m.

34 老师说得太快,我听不清楚。 Lǎoshī shuō de tài kuài, wǒ tīng bu qīngchu.
Potential Complements: Verb + 得/不 + complement 老师说得太快,我听不清楚。 Lǎoshī shuō de tài kuài, wǒ tīng bu qīngchu. The teacher speaks too fast. I can’t hear [her] clearly.

35 今天的功课太多,我做不完。 Jīntiān de gōngkè tài duō, wǒ zuò bu wán.
Potential Complements: Verb + 得/不 + complement 今天的功课太多,我做不完。 Jīntiān de gōngkè tài duō, wǒ zuò bu wán. There is too much homework today. I can’t finish it.

36 Potential Complements
得 or 不 is placed between a verb and a resultative or directional complement to indicate whether a certain result can be realized or not. Potential complements usually appear in negative sentences. The affirmative form and the negative form of a potential complement can be put together to form a question.

37 得 de (use in Descriptive Complements ) particle
Q:她看得到吗? Can she see? A1:她看不到。 She can’t see. A2:她看得到。 She can see (it).

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