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Organiser: Banyan Legacy

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1 Organiser: Banyan Legacy
Private Banking & Family Office Summit Asia 2018 Organiser: Banyan Legacy Brighten a Family Future with Global Wisdom – Confession from a 3rd Generation Successor 以全球智慧闪耀家族未来 – 来自第三代接班人的自白 Cheong Wing Kiat / 张荣杰 Founder & Family Strategist Business Concept Group 3rd Generation Business Leader (1995 – 2011) Wen Ken Group 21th May 2018, Shanghai s: Skype ID: wingkiat & WeChat 微信 : CWK-BC slides : /Activities

2 Enterprise Family 企业家族
Grandfather founded Wen Ken together with 3 friends in 1937. Started own Business Concept Group in 1990. Worked 13 years in accounting, marketing & venture capital investment before joining Wen Ken Group. 祖父和三位朋友一起在1937创办了永健集团。 1990创办自己的生意 - 商念集团。 加入永健之前,在会计,营销和风险投资领域工作了13年 。

3 Family Enterprise 家族企业
Founded in 1937, Wen Ken is a multi-family enterprise. 1995 – 2011, 3rd Generation leader in Wen Ken. 成立于1937,永健是一个多户家族企业。 1995 – 2011 卸任永健第三代领袖职位。

4 家,财富和企业 Family Wealth Enterprise

5 Business & Enterprise 生意与企业
Shēng Tiptoe to see far 踮起脚跟 远望 Toil under management 管理下 艰辛劳作 Shoot emerges from ground 草木破土萌发 Voice from the Heart 心声

6 How Enterprise Families Calculate
RATE of Return? 企业家族如何计算收益率 (RATE)? Return on Investment 投资回报 Alignment of Objectives 目标对齐 Time - Personal 个人的时间 Emotion 情感

7 Salient Factors for Successful Family
成功家族的主要因素 Vision & Mission 愿景与使命 Structure 结构体 Successors 继承人 Governance 治理 Supremacy Branding 至尊品牌

8 Respect & Appreciation 尊重与欣赏 Coexistence & Cooperation 共存与合作
My Family Vision 我的家族愿景 Family harmony brings prosperity to everything 家和万事兴(Jiā Hé Wàn Shì Xīng) An ancient Chinese musical instrument 古代的中国 乐器 Grain 谷类 Balance & Order 平衡与秩序 Respect & Appreciation 尊重与欣赏 Coexistence & Cooperation 共存与合作

9 My Family Mission Deriving happiness in helping people.
我的家族使命 (shǐmìng) 助人为乐 (zhù rén wéi lè) Venture Philanthropy 风险慈善事业 Started Amber Collections Pte Ltd in 2016. Assisting individuals & families to create & build Supremacy Branding through rare gems, ambers, etc. Helping needy children, the poor, etc. 2016创办琥珀收藏私人有限公司。 通过稀有宝石,琥珀及其他来协助个人和家族创造至尊品牌。 帮助有需要的孩子,穷人及其他。

10 Banyan Tree Structure - 榕树结构体
Banyan tree’s structure is able to support itself even if one or two trunks fail. In effect, no trunk gets left out, for all is part of the tree, but the tree will never die for being without any one of its trunks, for it still sustains, and is sustained, by many more… 榕树通过自己稳固的根基来支撑自己,即使是一两根树干尝试接触地面失败而枯死。实际上,每一根树干都是整棵树的一部份。一棵榕树不会因为一个树干的枯死 而死亡,它仍将继续生长下去,并且持续的生长出更多的树干。。。

11 FISH Capital Structure : 鱼资产结构体
Holding Company 控股公司 Family Enterprise 家族企业 Family Wealth Fund 家族财富基金 Funding 资金 Private Equities私募股 Properties 地产 FISH Capitals: 鱼资产 Financial 金融资产 Infrastructure 设施资产 Social 社会资产 Human 人力资产 Brands 品牌 Products 产品 Manufacturing 生产 Marketing 市场 Services 服务

12 (SQ: Street-smart Quotient) CQ (Cultural Quotient) 文化商
Successors 继承人 EQ 情商 IQ 智商 SQ 市商 (SQ: Street-smart Quotient) Family 家 Wealth 财富 CQ (Cultural Quotient) 文化商 HQ (Heart Quotient) 心商 Enterprise 企业 仁者无敌 Benevolent 仁 (人 + 二) : 表示人人相等, 视人若己 All men are equal

13 Elements of Governance 治理的元素
©2006 Relative Solutions, LLC Elements of Governance 治理的元素 Information 信息 Accountability, Responsibility 问责,责任 CAN HIDE THIS SLIDE, next one cover it Councils 委员会 Agreements 协议 Boundaries, Roles 界限,角色 Presentation for FAMILY BUSINESS AUSTRALIA

14 治理 管理 Family Enterprise 家族 企业 圆融 公正 (Zhì Lǐ) (Guǎn Lǐ)
治理 管理 (Zhì Lǐ) (Guǎn Lǐ) Governance Management Family Enterprise 家族 企业 圆融 公正

15 How to Create & Build Individual & Family’s Supremacy Branding
How to Create & Build Individual & Family’s Supremacy Branding? ”When a leopard dies, it leaves its skin. When a man dies, he leaves his name.” (wikipedia) 如何创建个人与家族至尊品牌? 豹死留皮,人死留名 (bào sǐ liú pí,rén sǐ liú míng)

16 吉尼斯世界纪录 表达至尊品牌。 Guinness World Record Expresses Supremacy Branding.
中国亿航以1,374名无人驾驶飞机 打破吉尼斯世界纪录 Guinness World Record Expresses Supremacy Branding. 吉尼斯世界纪录 表达至尊品牌。

17 It represents truth & transparency.
‘Mother of gemstones’ - Goshenite is the purest form in the beryl family. It represents truth & transparency. ‘宝石之母’ - 白柱石 是绿柱石家族中最纯粹 的品种: 它代表真实和透明。

18 Using Guinness World Record of Goshenite to Create
Supremacy Branding. 通过白柱石 吉尼斯世界纪录 创建至尊品牌。

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