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Presentation on theme: "-2012年浙江省高考书面表达题型分析与复习对策"— Presentation transcript:

1 -2012年浙江省高考书面表达题型分析与复习对策
博观而约取,厚积而薄发 -2012年浙江省高考书面表达题型分析与复习对策 苍南中学 陈春绣

2 历年真题 命题特点 思路点拨 写作要点 写作要求 常见问题 困惑反思

3 命题特点 控制性写作( Controlled Writing ) “提示”—时间字数/情景内容/体裁格式 理解和看法—开放性
语篇的语言功能和句式 2012年浙江省书面表达 限定对象、积极理解 开放型实例支持观点

4 写作要点 Part 1-Your opinion. 1. Approval or Disapproval;
2. Your understanding; 3. Your conclusion. (linking sentence). Part 2 –Typical examples (Famous people) 1.Disadvantages; 2.Experience; 3.Achievement. (conclusion sentence)

5 ㈦ 评价与困惑: 对观点赞同与否是否具有导向性? 对举例个数有否比较一致的要求? 是否要对个例进行对比表述观点?

6 反例一: 个人想法和主题思想不统一? …But I don’t think so. I insist that the environment influences you more than yourself…. One of the most great people in China, Mengzi, was an instance. When he was young, he lived in a bad neighborhood so his mother moved their house three times to find a good neighbor. At last, they lived beside a school and Mengzi became a successful writer.

7 反例 二:非典型例子能否体现主题? For example, Li Yanhong, who sets up Baidu, has ever changed many jobs. Though he had difficulties in his career, he didn’t give up, After struggling for years, he finally succeed.

8 反例 三:例子数多是否符合评分标准? Helen can move all the Americans with her strong will but many people are addicted to the Internet all day and all night. Beethoven would work out excellent music although he was deaf. But some people fell in desperation after some serious trouble. Zhang Haidi, in addition, could continue living with smile, but somebody killed themselves when failed. To sum up, people in trouble can create success but people who is lucky enough to live in a happy life can also waste their lives.

9 写 作 复 习 资 料 单元课文+语法专题 真题再现 写作素材+报纸专题 冲刺材料

10 写 作 四 部 曲 一、模块复习,夯实基础。 模块单元复习——专题片段写作 词汇巩固+写作 = 中英对照,句子翻译
词汇巩固+写作 = 中英对照,句子翻译 重点短语+写作 = 连词成句,句子拓展 阅读难句+写作 = 汲取精粹,句子仿写 词汇辨析+写作 = 词汇替换,句子改写

11 连词成句 vary from…to, vary in, various, a variety of The opinions vary from individual to individual. They mostly vary in the influences of the result, because there are a variety of /various effects.

12 however(+形容词/副词)+主语+谓语(be)
句子仿写 2. However weak we are, we are not completely powerless. however(+形容词/副词)+主语+谓语(be) 1. No matter how he did it, it was a great success. =However he did it, it was a great success. 2. No matter how hard he works, he can not get a promotion. =However hard he works, he can not get a promotion.

13 M6U1:ART M6U1 with the aim of ..., get/gain/take possession of, be in the possession of, attempt to do..., appeal to sb to do, it is evident that... 1.怀着望子成龙的目的,很多父母对孩子的教育太过严格。 2.课外学习占有了孩子太多的业余时间,使得他们没有时间放松和调整自己。 3.父母试图使孩子全面发展,结果给了他们太多的压力。 4.我呼吁家长们要合理对待成长,科学教导孩子进步。 5. 但是很明显这不利于孩子的成长。

14 二、真题解析,积累素材。 真题再现解析——体裁归类 真题再现 篇章解构 名师解析 范文展示 满分揭秘 笔记摘抄 文本修改 常用句型 归类记录

15 三、复习分层,查漏补缺。附1 1.资料积累准备—词汇集,美文集 2. 写作资料积累—能力培养

16 Non- finite verbs in writing
Last week, something unhappy happened in my dormitory turned the lights on. She wanted to stay up and study. But felt tired and sleepy. She wanted to go to bed immediately. So she got so angry that she lost her temper. She complained about Zhang’s selfishness. had been disturbed by their quarreling, I tried to calm them down. I said all of us should care about others To get in a dormitory together is not easy for us. If you think much for the others, you can get along well with each other. 温一模 写作 寝室是同学们经常要共处的地方,但是在寝室中难免出现摩擦。张帆开了灯,想要熬夜学习;李悦很累了,想睡觉。她们两人发生了争吵。我劝解两人说寝室是大家的家,同学之间要和平相处。 请你根据以上内容写一篇短文,并给出自己的观点。 Zhang Fan Li Hua I

17 温一模 writing Tired and sleepy, Li Hua went to bed immediately. But Zhang Fan turned the lights on in order to stay up studying that night.So she got so angry that she lost her temper, complaining about Zhang’s selfishness. Having been disturbed by their quarelling, I tried to calm them down, saying all of us should care about others. Dormitory is home to every student. It important for us to think much more for the others. Only by getting along well with each other, can we build up a harmonious and friendly environment to strengthen our study in return.

18 四、技能冲刺,臻美写作。 技巧材料补充——篇章冲刺 写作技能冲刺篇(附2) 常用句型套用篇(附3) 审题思维训练篇 自我检查定稿篇(附4)

19 图画剖析 图画剖析 简要描述上面图片,并谈谈你对学生在业余时间参加过多的补习和培训的看法。 Para 1 图画描述 Para 2 现实含义

20 图表解析 (2011·广东卷)以下是一本图书的基本信息及相关报道。 耶鲁:Yale;哈佛:Harvard 基本信息:
(1)书名:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (2)作者:Amy Chua,美籍华人,耶鲁*大学教授 (3)出版时间:2010年 (4)内容:作者用中国传统方式教育两个女儿的故事 (5)效应:引发了中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论 相关报道: (1)中文版:2011年初开始在中国销售 (2)意外反应:多数中国妈妈不赞同作者的做法 (3)最新消息:17岁的大女儿已被哈佛和耶鲁录取 耶鲁:Yale;哈佛:Harvard

21 图表解析 例:下面是某高中学校对150名高三学生睡眠时间不足及原因所作的调查,结果如下。
请根据图1提供的信息描述高三学生的睡眠情况,并针对图2中任何一个数据所反映的情况写出你的看法。 图表chart n.

22  重视阅读和半开放式作文的训练 运动与健康,环境保护(气候、动植物、能源等),人文关怀(心理关怀与关心弱者),科技与社会进步,风俗与消费习惯,文化交流及人际交往等。

23 博观而约取,厚积而薄发 教学过程:体验-感知-掌握-运用 写作过程:熟悉材料输入-陌生话题产出 三个“最”原则: 最符合所教学生英语水平
最适应高考写作命题思路 最能培养学生写作能力


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