Health and Eating Behavior of the People in Hong Kong

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Eating Behavior of the People in Hong Kong"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Eating Behavior of the People in Hong Kong
港人健康及飲食習慣 Health and Eating Behavior of the People in Hong Kong

2 Regular Dishes are High in Sodium
碟頭飯高鹽 香蕉西芹助排鈉 Regular Dishes are High in Sodium Source:

3 High Protein and Lack of Exercise can lead to Fatty Livers
嗜肉少運動易患脂肪肝 High Protein and Lack of Exercise can lead to Fatty Livers Source:

4 Health Status of the People in Hong Kong
港人健康狀況 Health Status of the People in Hong Kong Source:

5 平均預期壽命 Life Expectancy

6 7.0% 17.1% 31.8% 行為風險因素 Behavioral Risk Factors
體能活動量(按世界衞生組織的建議)Level of Physical Activity by WHO Recommendations 17.1% 每天食用五份蔬果 5 Servings of Fruit and Vegetables Daily 7.0% 睡眠時間(>8小時) Sleeping Hours (>8 hours) Source: Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health; 2010.

7 「夜瞓強迫症」 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder for Late Sleeping

8 食物品質 Food Quality

9 食物品質 Food Quality

10 食物品質 Food Quality

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