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專題討論 (Seminar) 授課老師: 游政谷 Seminar(1).

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Presentation on theme: "專題討論 (Seminar) 授課老師: 游政谷 Seminar(1)."— Presentation transcript:

1 專題討論 (Seminar) 授課老師: 游政谷 Seminar(1)

2 專題討論的授課內容與主題 大氣穩定度分析 環境條件與降水系統的相關 地形降水的探討 局部環流的探討 鋒面降水 紅色字體部分會在課堂上詳細解說

3 成績計算方式: 課堂參與與討論: 20% 口頭與書面報告: 40% 期末考試: 40%

4 可否說明這兩個斜溫圖的大氣穩定度有何不同?

5 可否說明這兩個降水事件的環境條件有何不同? (註: 此兩張雨量圖為相鄰的兩天, 敏督利颱風2004)

6 台灣冬季地形降水

7 都市熱島效應與其伴隨局部環流之示意圖 郊區 都市(熱源) 郊區

8 這兩天的降雨局部集中在台北縣市區 (2004)

9 台灣東南沿海對流線之降水回波特徵

10 台灣東南沿海對流線發展示意圖(Yu and Jou 2005)

11 鋒面(溫帶氣旋)位置與綜觀雲系的相關(Wakimoto and Bosart 2000)
(left) Infrared satellite image at 1800 UTC 12 Jan The flight track of the Electra is shown by the black line. The Electra and P-3 were based in Shannon, Ireland. (right) Surface analyses at 1800 UTC superimposed on the corresponding infrared satellite image. Surface wind reports are also plotted (full barb, 5 m s−1; half barb, 2.5 m s−1). The black dots represent station locations where thermodynamic information was recorded but where there were no wind reports.

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