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“Honey, I shrunk the plant!”

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1 “Honey, I shrunk the plant!”
From Photonics Spectra, 1998

2 什麼是奈米? 奈米是複合詞,“米”(meter),也就是公尺,它是7個基本單位中, 長度的單位。
奈是10的負9次方(10-9, nano),是前置數詞,如同毫是10-3, 微是10-6 一般,所以奈米就是10的負9次方米 (1 nm=10-9 m)。

3 什麼是奈米技術? Richard Feynman’s Stimulating Question (物理學家, Nobel Laureate)
奈米技術的定義說法多元,下二者較為常見: Technology on the scale of atoms (0.1 nm) up to biomolecular systems (large cells - 10’s mm) Nanotechnology is molecular manufacturing or more simply, building things one atom at a time, working in the range from 0.1 to 100 nm 奈米技術觀念的形成: Richard Feynman’s Stimulating Question (物理學家, Nobel Laureate) “What would happen if we could arrange the atoms one-by-one the way we want them?” 1959 Richard P. Feynmen: There’s plenty of Room at the Bottom Christmas, 1959, annual meeting of the American Physical Society at Cal Tech

4 奈米技術與現在的高科技有什麼關聯? 微小化的趨勢: 製作微小元件的兩大途徑
1) “Top-down” - achieving increased miniaturization through extension of existing microfabrication schemes (延伸微影製程的製造技術) 2) “Bottom-up” - capability to construct functional components, devices, and systems from building blocks of atoms and molecules (堆疊原子或分子的製造技術)

5 Ball point pens, watches Hearing aids, pacemakers Fuel injectors
生活中的小東西 Ball point pens, watches Hearing aids, pacemakers Fuel injectors Surface mount electronics CD read heads Computer disk read/write heads Fiber optic connectors and switches Smart toys

6 微電子技術重要里程碑

7 光學元件微型化

8 奈米技術有何重要性? 前輩們的話: Nanotechnology is important!
“We’ve got to learn how to build machines, materials, and devices with the ultimate finesse that life has always used: atom by atom, on the same nanometer scale as the machinery in living cells.” Richard Smalley, Nobel Laureate, 1995 “I believe nanoscience and nanotechnology will be central to the next epoch of the information age …” John Armstrong, formerly Chief Scientist of IBM, 1991 “Nanotechnology has given us the tools to make contact with the world of the molecule and the atom. … The possibilities to create new things appear limitless.” Horst Stoermer, Nobel Laureate

9 奈米技術可用在什麼地方? 舉例說明: 1. Manipulation of atoms and molecules for nanoelectronics 2. Application in biotechnology 3. Application in energy saving

10 奈米技術的未來發展如何? 依過去的經驗,認為不可能的都變成可能了 --
“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers” -- THOMAS WATSON, IBM ==> 未來充滿無限希望,例

11 在這麼微小的尺度下,如何準確地去量它呢?
使用 計量型原子力顯微鏡

12 奈米計量又是什麼? 1998年6月BIPM奈米計量工作小組作了以下的建議 Definition of Nanometrology
Nanometrology is the science of measurement of the dimensions of objects or object features, separations or displacements in the range from 1 nm to 1000 nm ‧ In similar way we can define: Micrometrology is the science of measurement of the dimensions of objects or object features, separations or displacements in the range from 1μm to 1000 μm

13 國家度量衡標準實驗室為什麼要研究奈米計量?
國際發展趨勢: 國際米定義咨詢委員會(CCDM),明定奈米計量 標準為未來長度國際比對項目 亞太計量組織長度計量工作小組,也列為未來 比對項目 長度計量咨詢委員會,著手組織國際奈米工作 小組 推動國際奈米計量標準的建立與比對活動 國內需求:配合半導體、微電子、微機電元件、精密機械等產 業發展,建立微小尺寸量測技術與計量標準,支援 量測追溯需求並尋求參與國際活動的機會

14 國家度量衡標準實驗室目前有那些奈米計量研究?
一、完成奈米量測追溯鏈 ‧‧ 米定義的實現 ‧‧ 干涉儀校正系統 ‧‧ 計量型AFM的建立 ‧‧ 一般型AFM的校正 二、參與國際奈米計量標準比對 三、建立原子及分子等級的量測能力

15 奈米技術是21世紀的重要技術, 國家度量衡標準實驗室, 應: -- 保持與國際一致的計量標準 -- 滿足國內量測技術與追溯需求 -- 積極參與國際計量活動 -- 發揮計量量測正義的重要功能

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