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Ubuntu Server Installation

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Presentation on theme: "Ubuntu Server Installation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ubuntu Server 18.04.2 Installation

2 進度 安裝與指令 計算機概論與硬體知識 網路基礎知識 作業系統的基礎技能 vi文書編輯器 Shell與Shell Script
軟體管理 (安裝 & 維護) 2019/4/6

3 Types of Network (VirtualBox)


5 橋接 (Bridged)



8 IPv4 Settings?

9 Network Bonding Modes balance-rr active-backup

10 Rack 機架 1U 2U .

11 Region?

12 MAAS MAAS is Metal As A Service. It lets you treat physical servers
like virtual machines (instances) in the cloud. Rather than having to manage each server individually, MAAS turns your bare metal into an elastic cloud-like resource.

13 MAAS Management


15 Unix File System


17 LVM Logical Volume Manager

18 Unix File System

19 Unix File System 至少切兩個 Partitions 實際上? / (root) Swap (Virtual Memory)
What is it? 實際上? 有更多考量 …

20 切兩個 Partitions, good idea?
Questions: Is your Windows OS containing only C:\ folder? Why not? Some background later …

21 (like fat32 or ntfs in Windows Syetm)
ext4 檔案系統 (like fat32 or ntfs in Windows Syetm)

22 ext4 檔案系統 Linux kernel 自 2.6.28 開始正式支持新的文件系統 Ext4
Ext4 是 Ext3 的改進版,修改了 Ext3 中部分重要的數據結構 Ext4 可以提供更佳的性能和可靠性,還有更為豐富的功能

23 ext4 fs 優點 More on:

24 https://www. electronicdesign

25 Unix File System Hierarchy
/ usr boot bin sbin home etc var opt … lib include bin sbin … init.d netplan apache2 … mail spool … /etc/init.d 系統上幾乎所有的服務啟動 scripts 都放置在這裡

26 File System Hierarchy Standard
shareable unshareable static /usr /etc /opt /boot variable /var/mail /var/run /var/spool/news /var/lock

27 A Few More Details …

28 Linux 預設目錄 /:Linux檔案系統的最上層根目錄 /bin:Binary的縮寫,存放使用者的可執行程式,也包含其他的Shell。
/boot:作業系統啟動時所需的檔案,這些檔案若是損壞常會導致系統無法正常開機,因此最好不要任意的更動。 /dev:周邊設備檔案目錄 /etc:有關系統設定與管理的檔案 /etc/X11:X Window System的設定目錄 /home:一般使用者的主目錄或是FTP站台目錄 /lib:僅包含執行/bin和/sbin目錄中的二進位檔時所需的共用函式庫(library) /mnt:各項裝置的檔案系統掛載(Mount)點

29 Linux 預設目錄 /opt:這個目錄通常提供一個空間,以讓較大型且固定的應用程式套件儲存檔案之用,這可避免將檔案分散至整個檔案系統。
/proc:目前系統核心與程式執行的資訊 /root:root管理員主目錄 /sbin:是System Binary的縮寫,此目錄存放的是系統啟動時所需執行的程式。 /tmp:Temporary的縮寫,它是用來存放暫存檔的目錄。 /usr:存放使用者使用的系統指令以及應用程式等資訊 /usr/bin:存放使用者可執行的程式 /usr/include:儲存提供C語言載入的Header檔案 /usr/include/X11:儲存提供X Window程式載入的Header檔案

30 Linux 預設目錄 /usr/lib:函式庫 /usr/lib/X11:函式庫 /usr/local:提供自行安裝的應用程式位置
/usr/sbin:存放非經常性使用的程式 /usr/src:儲存程式的原始檔 /usr/X11R6/bin:存放X Window System的執行程式 /var:Variable的縮寫,具變動性質的相關程式目錄。

31 Linux 檔案名稱 最長可允許256個字元 字元可包含A-Z 0-9 . _ -等 沒有「副檔名」的觀念
檔案名稱區分大小寫(Case Sensitive)

32 切兩個 Partitions

33 Keys …




37 舊版 …

38 Journaling Filesystem
Journaling filesystems write metadata (i.e., data about files and directories) into the journal that is flushed to the HDD before each command returns. In the event of a system crash, a given set of updates may have either been fully committed to the filesystem (i.e., written to the HDD), in which case there is no problem, or the updates will have been marked as not yet fully committed, in which case the system will read the journal, which can be rolled up to the most recent point of data consistency.

39 Journaling Filesystem
This is far faster than a scan of the entire HDD when rebooting, and it guarantees that the structure of the filesystem is always internally consistent. Thus, although some data may be lost, a journaling filesystem typically allows a computer to be rebooted much more quickly after a system crash.

40 如何學 Unix?
計算機概論與硬體知識 網路基礎知識 安裝與指令 作業系統的基礎技能 vi文書編輯器 Shell與Shell Script 軟體管理 (安裝 & 維護) 2019/4/6

41 apt? What’s apt? 不同 Linux Distributions 會有不同的 packages 管理方式與安裝指令
Advanced Packaging Tool The apt command is a powerful command-line tool, which works with Ubuntu's Advanced Packaging Tool (APT)  不同 Linux Distributions 會有不同的 packages 管理方式與安裝指令

42 安裝 LAMP? What’s LAMP? Let’s Google and make it work … Linux  DONE
Apache MySQL PHP Let’s Google and make it work …

43 測試


45 So you have your server running
What’s next? What can you do with it? Virtually anything … File, printing, www, mail, dhcp, nat, media, cloud server (well you name it …) Embedded systems Ever heard of that? Build applications upon it. 選課、請假、…、Joomla? etc

46 How? First you need to learn to work with your server
Through configuring your server, like change IP address, set file / directory privileges, and so forth By modifying the “configuration files” Where? How to modify? etc. Configuring your Apache, MySQL, Samba, and Printer server

47 Example: How to change your server’s IP address?
First, the IP address must be recorded somewhere so that it remains the same each time your server starts. What is it? Network-related configuration file Where is it? etc? Found, and what’s next?

48 But, let’s get back to some basics …
Vi Editor First written in 1976 Released as part of the first BSD Unix in March, 1978 Very likely to exist for 10, 20, or more years


50 Android OS Kernels

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