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一、单词拼写 1. calendar 2. attention 3. grammar 4. connecting 5. impatient

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1 一、单词拼写 1. calendar 2. attention 3. grammar 4. connecting 5. impatient
国庆作业3 一、单词拼写 1. calendar 2. attention 3. grammar 4. connecting 5. impatient 6. neither 7. general 8. order 9. praise(不可数) 10. standards 1. energetic 2. fixed 3. Carelessness 4. creative 5. absent 6. born 7. shaped 8. lively 9. speeches 10. divided /divides

2 单项选择 1-5 BDDBA 6-10 BCDAA 11-15 DBADD 16-20 CABBA 21-25 CBCDA

3 动词填空 1. was chosen (被选为... choose-chose-chosen)
2. have met (我已经见过他几次,因此你不用再(向我)描述他了。现在完成时强调过去发生的事对现在的影响。) 3. to be (成为一个好的主席的所有好品质,不定式to do作定语修饰qualities) 4. was showing (当我去看我叔叔时,他正带着...参观...) 5. to see (可把这个感叹句转换成陈述句:The students… were happy to see. be happy to do sth. 很高兴做某事) 6. is repaired 7. discussing (have fun doing sth.做某事很开心) 8. will be asked (如果你不努力,你迟早会被辞退。if引导的条件状语从句,主将从现) 9. is reading 10. came (所填动词为句子的谓语部分,主语中心词是the holiday,all the students… to为定语从句,修饰the holiday,at last最后,最终,用一般过去时)

4 动词填空 11. rose (幕布一升起来,观众们就高兴地大叫起来。rise vi.不及物动词,无被动。rise -rose-risen)
12. makes 13. is going to speak (答语I think Mr Li is. 说明问句中也有is) 14. is shown/showed 15. are standing 16. Were ... planning (你进来的时候,所有的学生正在计划他们的旅行吗?) 17. will be invited (将会被邀请..., next Friday) 18. practising (sb. spend time doing sth.) 19. have told (你为什么不相信我呢?我已经把我知道的一切都告诉你了。) 20. was offered (我在另一个城市被提供了一份新的高薪酬工作。)

5 翻译句子 1. It is selfish of him to eat up all the fruit.
2. Neither of the twins is a born artist. 3. You should pay attention to what the teacher writes on the blackboard in class. 4. We should be polite not only to (our) parents but also to (our) teachers. 5. Do you think Peter (is) suitable for/to be the general manager of the company? 6. Don’t be afraid of making a speech in front of a large group of people. 7. Neither of my parents does the dishes after meals. /Neither my father nor my mother ... 8. My mother is so organized that she keeps everything in (good) order at home. 9. Please think twice before taking on challenges. 10. He found it difficult/hard to work with the new leader.

6 任务型阅读 1. alone 2. manager 3. fail 4. either 5. try

7 Unit 1单词 1. grammar born praise general 5. race lead high-speed miss 9. attention standard pioneer 12.粗心 n. carelessness adj. careless adv. carelessly 13. 不耐烦的,急躁的 adj. impatient n. impatience (反) patient 14. calendar 出现 v. appear (反) disappear 16. 固定的 adj. fixed v. fix lively shape 19. speech absent creative 22.curious 23. energetic modest organized 26. accountant impress 雕像 29. sales department challenge chief 32. pioneer 外科医生 extra 35. respect suitable 38. partner 农历的 represent cycle 42. powerful practical loyal monitor 46. position

8 Unit 2单词 1. influence trust 3. 安宁,和平,宁静,和睦 n. peace adj. peaceful adv. peacefully 4. 悲伤 n. sadness adj. sad 比) sadder adv. sadly 5. 造成,创造,创建 v. create 有创造力的adj. creative 6. feeling because require 9. 热 n. heat adj. hot 10. 困难,费力 n. difficulty adj. difficult =hard 11. 决定 v. decide n. decision 12. relationship 13. 必定地,无疑地,当然 adv. certainly adj. certain 14. daily/everyday 15. 个人的,私人的 adj. personal adv. personally 16. ancient discover promise 19. otherwise adv. / or conj. 20. work practise 22. 建议(可数名词) suggestion v. suggest 23. (不可数名词) advice v. advise

9 Unit 2单词 24. trust handbag 26. 相配 n. match pl.-复数 matches 27. indigo violet rainbow 30. mood characteristics 32. 平静的,沉着的 adj. calm (比) calmer 33. relaxed relaxing 35. purity wedding 37. 宁愿选择,更喜欢 vt. prefer (过) preferred 38. remind 39. 智慧 n. wisdom adj. wise adv. wisely 40. envy 41. 力量 n. strength adj. strong 42. 适合 v. suit adj. suitable 43. 庆祝活动 n. celebration v. celebrate 44. teenage 45. 紧张的,有压力的 adj. stressed n. stress 46. peace 47. 温暖,温和 n. warmth adj. warm (比) warmer 48. balance

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