村镇污水处理的政策导向 住房和城乡建设部村镇建设司 副司长 赵晖.

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Presentation on theme: "村镇污水处理的政策导向 住房和城乡建设部村镇建设司 副司长 赵晖."— Presentation transcript:

1 村镇污水处理的政策导向 住房和城乡建设部村镇建设司 副司长 赵晖

2 全国村镇垃圾污水处理率的变化 城市污水处理率77%, 2010 全国有1万8千个镇60万个行政村

3 农村卫生环境治理需要四方面协调推进 农村卫生环境 观念 技术 制度 经济能力




7 四要素的现状 行动 经济能力弱 加大政府在村镇污水方面的投入,包括中央资金的支持 缺乏适宜技术
支持适宜技术开发并加以推广,制定村镇污水处理技术规范 缺乏法规的约束 修订村镇建设条例,明确村镇污水处理方面的责任和居民的义务,包括缴费义务 卫生环境意识薄弱 教育,示范项目 ,公开污染及健康受害信息

8 中央部委支持村镇垃圾污水治理的项目和行动
4.2治理职责不明,体制不顺 部门 行动 中央财政专项资金 整治内容 整治现状 规划 建设 村庄整治 污水管网以奖代补 绿色重点镇示范 05年开始,地方财政 今年开始,资金未定 今年开始资金未定 污水、垃圾、道路、消防等10项 重点镇污水管网以奖代补 垃圾、污水、建筑节能、道路等 09年底,整治136402个村 正编制规定 正制定配套政策 十二五规划 环保 农村环境综合整治 08-10年,共40亿元 垃圾、污水、饮水、畜禽、工矿、面源等7项 2010底,整治6600个村镇 2012年,2.4万建制村 2015年 农业 农村清洁工程 04-10年 5亿元 秸秆、粪便、垃圾、污水等4项 09底,共1100个示范村 至2015,22万自然村 卫生 城乡环境卫生整洁行动 无,但改水改厕有 农村污水垃圾和农村改水改厕等8项 2010年底,农村卫生厕所普及率65% 2012年,农村垃圾处理率提高10%

9 2010年建设部发布分六个地区的村庄污水治理技术指南
西北  西南 东北  北方 东南 中南 China has vast territory and unbalanced economic development, according to the climate, geographical conditions and administrative management system, the guides are divided into six regions. Northeast: Daxinganling and Changbai Mountain in the region. there are plain terrain northeast plains and Liaohe and Songhua River. Arid climate in most areas, windy, long and cold winter, as the main feature. The size of the region's rural villages are usually small, distance between villages are usually long. majority of the rural areas is still no sewage treatment facilities. low temperature in winter is the main effect on performance of wastewater treatment. North China: The basic topography in this region is plains and plateaus. climate is arid, windy, winter is long and cold as the main feature. The region around the different levels of economic development, the current majority of rural sewage treatment in rural areas do not work. North China is a serious water shortage area, sewage treatment and resource utilization should be combined. Northwest :Northwest regions are the climatic characteristics of arid and semi arid areas, the annual average rainfalls lower than the national average. The region's total land area of ​​about 32% of the total land, while the population of less than 8% of the population of China. 70% of the population in this region is living in rural areas. There are lots of national poverty-striken villages in this region. Southwest: most of the region belongs to subtropical and tropical monsoon climate; terrain with hills, mountains, plateaus and plains based. settled a nearly 80% of China's ethnic minority population. Due to natural scenery and cultural landscape, natural scenery of the region as tourism and cultural tourism hotspot. With the recent economic development, living habits and the development of tourism, total rural water is rapidly increased. Large amounts of untreated sewage discharged directly caused pollution of the surrounding environment, therefore, it’s very important to strengthen water pollution control to address the local living environment and maintaining rural sustainable development of tourism resources. Southwest water pollution control technology is weak in rural areas. Central South:Complex topography within the region, including mountain, hilly land and plains, lakes and more rivers cross aspect. many villages located in the major river, such as the Huaihe, Chaohu Lake, Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake Basin. Total economy of the most region is in the middle and lower level. Southeast: Annual average temperature is high, rainfall is abundant features of the area. Southeast region is well developed industrial and agricultural production, economic output and per capita income become one of the fastest growth rate, GDP is about 31% of China, per capita GDP is 1.5 times the country. Many villages in the region has reached a well-off villages and rural domestic sewage water emissions increases every year, has become a cause deterioration of water quality in the region (example: Taihu Lake, East River). Water resource is abundant in the region, river, lakes and rivers crossing are existed, also the country designated key areas of watershed pollution control is in this region. the region's population density, limited land can be used as sewage treatment. At present, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang have been carried out in rural parts of rural sewage treatment work, and achieved some results.

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