句子基本構件的定義 Definitions of Basic Sentence Parts

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1 句子基本構件的定義 Definitions of Basic Sentence Parts

2 基本結構 一個句子是一組包含一個主詞和敘述語 (見下面的定義) 的字。
有時主詞省略,如命令句 Go next door  and get a cup of sugar. 句子亦根據功能來定義:敘述句 、疑問句 、驚嘆句 和祈使句

3 冠詞和量詞 冠詞、限定詞和量詞是指放在名詞前面並修飾名詞的字
冠詞 the teacher, a college, a bit of honey, that person, those people 量詞(可數名詞與不可數名詞之區別 ) many trees a few trees few trees several trees a couple of trees none of the trees

4 名詞 名詞係人、事、地或物的名稱 專有名詞 是指特定人、事、地或物的名稱,幾乎都是大寫 Carlos, Queen Marguerite, Middle East, Jerusalem, Malaysia, Presbyterianism, God, Spanish, Buddhism, the Republican Party 普通名詞則是指其他人、事、地或物的名稱,通常不大寫。

5 名詞 可數名詞 desks, chairs, flag, clock, computers, keyboards, projector, books, bookcases, pens, notebooks, backpacks, lights, students 不可數名詞(物質、抽象名詞 ) wood, ice, plastic, wool, steel, aluminum, metal, glass, leather, hair, dust, air, oxygen, water, milk, peace, knowledge

6 代名詞與先行詞一致性 大體而言代名詞代表或指一個名詞 ,他們的身份已在句子先前的部分明確的表示出來。
人稱代名詞 I, you, he, she, they, we 指示代名詞 That, This, Those, These 關係代名詞 Who, Which, What, ……

7 代名詞與先行詞一致性 不定代名詞 everybody, anybody, somebody, all, each, every, some, none enough, few, fewer, less, little, many, much, several, more, most, all, both, every, each, any, either, neither, none, some

8 形容詞 形容詞是指描述或修飾句子中某一人、事、物的字 the tall professor

9 形容詞

10 副詞 副詞是指修飾動詞,形容詞及其他副詞的字 He drove slowly. He drove a very fast car. She moved quite slowly. 副詞的順序 動詞+狀態+地方+頻率+時間+目的

11 介系詞

12 連接詞 連接詞是指將句子中的子句、片語或字連接起來的字 對等連接詞 and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so
附屬連接詞(位在附屬子句的開頭來使附屬子句與主要子句之間建立關係) after, although, as, if, if only, in order that, now that once, rather than, since, so that, than, that

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