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Shut Up 組員 94405024 鄭茜文 94405013 姚欣如 94405017 張毓芳.

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Presentation on theme: "Shut Up 組員 94405024 鄭茜文 94405013 姚欣如 94405017 張毓芳."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shut Up 組員 鄭茜文 姚欣如 張毓芳

2 黑眼豆豆 強調嘻哈街頭精神的樂團或許有一堆,但是在發揚街頭精神之餘,同時還能將嘻哈音樂與節奏藍調、放克、拉丁、雷鬼搖擺樂跟來自歐美亞三大洲的傳統民族音樂元素作多元調色的隊伍,那就只有黑眼豆豆合唱團!2003年以專輯《Elephunk》攀登巔峰盛世,具體實踐嘻哈樂的流行時尚感,也扛起了嘻哈樂的社會責任。透過專輯中一首警世意味濃厚的作品〈Where Is The Love〉大聲疾呼世人一起把愛找回來,單曲推出後,歐美排行佳績頻傳,並入圍2004年葛萊美獎年度唱片、最佳饒舌合唱、錄音3項大獎。 現在,黑眼豆豆合唱團誓言要以第4張大碟《Monkey Business 黑色猴門企業》奪下嘻哈王朝至尊地位,絕對要讓樂迷盡情沾染嘻哈樂的歡樂氣氛。專輯是團員在長達一年半的全球巡迴演唱宣傳過程中的靈感匯集而成之作,歌曲創作上延續《Elephunk》的玩樂主義與派對精神,每首歌都蘊藏無比的節奏動能。首支單曲〈Don't Phunk With My Heart〉女主唱Fergie緊扣人心的靈魂活力唱腔徹底引爆迷人魅力,形容這首歌就像是〈Shut Up〉的二部曲,講的都是糟透了的情場關係。其中最讓團員萬分感動的就是與詹姆斯布朗合作了放克╱靈魂派對熱歌〈They Don't Want Music〉。黑眼豆豆合唱團這回玩得相當盡興,就是要讓樂迷一起HIGH翻天!

3 歌詞lyrics or words of a song
Shut up 閉嘴 Just shut up 就是閉上你的嘴 Shut up (3x) 閉嘴x3 Shut it up, just shut up 閉嘴,就是閉嘴 Shut up ,Just shut up 閉嘴,就是閉嘴 Shut up (3x) 閉嘴x3 Shut it up, just shut up閉嘴,就是閉嘴 [Chorus] We try to take it slow 我們試著放慢腳步 But we're still losin control 可是我們還是失控制 And we try to make it work 我們也試著找尋方法 But it still isn't the worst 還是不算最慘 And I'm craaazzzy 我已瘋~~~了 For tryin to be your laaadddy 為了試著當你的女人 I think I'm goin crazy 我覺得我要發瘋了 Girl, me and you were just fine (you know) 女孩,(你知道嗎)我們以前真的很好 We wine and dine 我們進餐飲酒 Did them things that couples do when in love (you know) 就像每對熱戀中的男女 Walks on the beach and stuff (you know) 在海邊散步,如此之類

4 Things that lovers say and do 情人講的話 I love you too, I love you too 我也是愛著你 I miss you a lot, I miss you even more 我很想念你,我越來越想你 That's why I flew you out 所以我買機票讓你來見我 When we was on tour 當我在巡迴演唱時 But then something got out of hand 但是後來事情一發不可收拾 You start yellin when I'm with my friends 你開始對我和我的朋友大罵 Even though I had legitimate reasons (bull *****) 既使我有正直的理由 (胡說) You know I have to make them evidence (bull *****) 妳知道我需要讓他們變成證明 (胡說) How could you trust our private lives girl 妳要怎麼才能相信我們的私生活 That's why you don't believe my lies 這就是你為什麼不肯相信我的謊言 And quit this lecture 於是與我分手 [Chorus] Why does he know she gotta move so fast 為什麼他知道她的腳步太快

5 Love is progress if you could make it last 愛是永久的,要是你知道怎麼保存它 Why is it that you just lose control 為什麼妳會失去控制 Every time you agree on takin it slow 當妳每次同意要放慢腳步時 So why does it got to be so damn tough為什麼要這麼的困難 Cuz fools in lust could never get enough of love 愚蠢貪婪的人,永遠對愛不滿足 Showin him the love that you be givin 展示妳對他的愛 Changing up your livin 對生活作些改變 For a lovin transistion愛的轉變 Girl lip so much she tryin to get you to listen她一直試著要你聽聽他的話 Few mad at each other has become our tradition一些生氣的話已經變成理所當然 You yell, I yell, everybody yells妳大叫,我大罵,大家都在大罵 Got neighbors across the street sayin 格條街的鄰居抱怨 Who the hell?!?? Who the hell? 誰在吵鬧 What the hell's going on?搞什麼東西?

6 Too much of the bickering 太多的爭吵 Kill it with the sound and 用聲音掩埋,然後
[Chorus] Girl our love is dyin 女孩,妳的愛慢慢的死了 Why can‘t you stop tryin為何妳不放棄? I never been a quitah我從來不是個放棄的人 But I do deserve betta不過我應得更好的 Believe me I will do bad相信我,我會做出壞事 Let’s forget the past讓我們忘記過去 And let‘s start this new plan 重新做個新計畫 Why? Cuz it’s the same old routine為什麼?因為總是例行公事 And then next week I hear them scream然後下星期我聽到他們大叫 Girl I know you‘re tired of the things they say女孩,我知道擬以厭倦他們所說的一切 You’re damn right你說的沒錯

7 That was a different thing 那是件不同的事
Cuz I heard them lame dame excuses just yesterday因為我昨天就聽到那些爛又笨拙的藉口 That was a different thing那是個件不同的事 No it ain‘t 才不是 That was a different thing 那是件不同的事 No it ain't 才不是 That was a different thing 那是件不同的事 It was the same damn thing 那是同一件事! Same ass excuses 同樣的爛藉口 Boy you're usless 男孩,你真沒用 Whhoooaaaa 哇~~~~~ [Chorus] Stop the talking baby 別再講話了,男孩 Or I start walking baby 否則我就開時離開 Is that all there is (repeat) 真的只有這樣?(重複)

8 Lingking word losin = losing tryin = trying goin = going
yellin = yelling gotta =got to takin = taking cuz = because showin = showing givin = giving livin = lving

9 lovin = loving transction = transastion trvin = trving savin = saving dyin = dying quitah = quit a human betta = better ain’t = are not usless = useless

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