Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glor S489 我的眼睛己看見 1/4

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1 Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glor S489 我的眼睛己看見 1/4
我的眼睛己經看見主降臨的大榮光, Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, 祂正踏盡一切不良葡萄使公義顯彰; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; 祂己抽出祂的怒劍發出閃閃的光芒, He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword, 祂真理在進行. His truth is marching on. 榮耀!榮耀!哈利路亞! Glory!glory!Hallelujah! 3X 祂真理在進行! His truth is marching on!

2 救主號角己吹響要我們繼續前進, 祂正坐在榮耀寶座上審判世人的心; 我的靈速回答主我心在祂面前歡欣! 真神正在進行.
S 我的眼睛己看見 3/4 救主號角己吹響要我們繼續前進, He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat, 祂正坐在榮耀寶座上審判世人的心; He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat; 我的靈速回答主我心在祂面前歡欣! O be swift, my soul,to answer Him, be jubilant,my feet! 真神正在進行. Our God is marching on. 榮耀!榮耀!哈利路亞!3X Glory!glory!Hallelujah! 3X 祂真理在進行! His truth is marching on!

3 基督誕生於猶太地美麗正如百合花, 在祂心懷滿有榮光使我們改變像祂; 祂捨命使世人成聖我也願捨己救人! 真神正在進行. 榮耀!榮耀!哈利路亞!
S 我的眼睛己看見 4/4 基督誕生於猶太地美麗正如百合花, In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, 在祂心懷滿有榮光使我們改變像祂; With a glory in His being that transfigures you and me 祂捨命使世人成聖我也願捨己救人! As He died to make men holy let us live to make men free! 真神正在進行. While God is marching on. 榮耀!榮耀!哈利路亞! Glory!glory!Hallelujah! 3X 祂真理在進行! His truth is marching on!

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