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Presentation on theme: "句子概述."— Presentation transcript:

1 句子概述

2 句子概分為二大部分︰ 主部(Subject)︰ 主部(Subject, S)及述部(Predicate)。
即主詞,名詞(Noun, N)性質的字詞/片語(Phrase)/子句(Clause, c)及代名詞(Pronoun)均可當主詞。

3 可做主詞的形式 1) 名詞(Noun, N.)︰ Water is very important in life.
2) 代名詞(Pronoun)︰ He loves singing songs. 3) the+形容詞(Adjective, adj.)︰ The rich do not have everything.

4 4) the+分詞(Participle)︰ The truth is not always the good
4) the+分詞(Participle)︰ The truth is not always the good. 5) 不定詞(Infinitive)︰ To see you always makes me pleasure. 6) 動名詞(Gerund)︰ Swimming is my hobby.

5 3. 述部(Predicate)︰ 主要由動詞(Verb, V)[及物 (Transitive Verb, Vt)、 不及物動詞(Intransitive Verb, Vi)、連綴動詞(Lingking Verb, LV)]構成,依句意需要而再添加修飾語(Modifier) 的部分。

6 4. 修飾語 形容詞(Adjective, Adj.):修飾名詞或做主詞補語(Subject Complement, SC) 名詞(Object, O):做主詞補語或及物動詞的受詞 副詞(Adverb, Adv.):修飾動詞、形容詞或全句)

7 S + V S adj.子句 修飾 S He came. S Vi
2) The train (which departed from Taipei at S  adj.子句 修飾  S noon) arrived (here) (at four thirty p.m.)   Vi   Adv  Adv.

8 S + V + SC 此句型中的動詞應為連綴動詞 (Lingking Verb, LV) 1) I am happy.
S+ LV +Adj. (SC) 2) She became a manager. S LV N (SC) 《註》連綴動詞(Lingking Verb, LV)  am, is, are, was, were, been, being, appear, seem, become, taste, feel look (see Lesson 3A)

9 主詞補語(Subject Complement, SC)的型式
名詞(Noun, N)︰主詞(S)和主詞補語(SC)是指同一人或物 例︰I am a teacher. S+ LV +N. (SC)

10 2) 代名詞(Pronoun)( Grammar teacher: 可當主詞補語之代名詞 )
It is he. Is this bicycle yours? Who is he? 3) 形容詞(Adjective, adj.) She is beautiful. This medicine tastes bitter.

11 4) 副詞(Adverb, adv.) 《註》out, up, over, here 因無同意之形容詞,否則,不可用副詞做SC。
He is out. Time is up! The meeting was over. How long have you been here? 《註》out, up, over, here 因無同意之形容詞,否則,不可用副詞做SC。

12 5) 分詞(Participle) 6) 不定詞(Infinitive) 7) 動名詞(Gerund)
She remained sitting alone. She seemed quite pleased 6) 不定詞(Infinitive) She wants to educate her student well. 7) 動名詞(Gerund) My hobby is reading novels.

13 8) 介詞片語(Prepositional Phrase)
He is in good health. 9) 疑問詞 + 不定詞(Interrogative + Infinitive) The question was how to do it. 10) 名詞子句(Noun Clause) The book is what I borrowed from Lisa.

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