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Presentation on theme: "康軒版 (一上) LESSON 6 WHAT YOU DOING?"— Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary teaching 惠文高中國中部 授課教師: 余肇傑老師

2 The man is training the tiger/elephant..
LESSON 6 單字 train (v)訓練 What is the man doing? The man is training the tiger/elephant..

3 LESSON 6 單字 just (adv) 只;僅 = only 造句: 這個嬰兒只有一歲。
The baby is just one year old. The baby is only one-year-old. (Adj) Just的其它意思: 就是、正好 That is just for you.(那就是給妳的。)

4 LESSON 6 單字 hold(v) 握;拿 例句: 她手裡拿著手機。 She is holding a cellphone.

5 LESSON 6 單字 frisbee (n)飛盤 片語: play frisbee (不加冠詞a/the) 造句:這些年輕人正在玩飛盤。
These young men are playing frisbee. How about the boy? He is playing frisbee.

6 LESSON 6 單字 show(v) 給⋯⋯看 *show 人+ 物 (給某人看某東西) 造句:請給我看(你的新手機)。
Please show me (your new cellphone).

7 LESSON 6 單字 come back 回來 例句: 我回來了。 I am coming back. cry (v) 哭泣
The little girl is crying. Don’t cry. run over to 人 (奔向⋯某人;往 (某人)跑上前( *to介係詞) 例句: 這女孩很開心。她正跑向她 的媽媽。 The girl is happy, She is running over to her mother.

8 LESSON 6 單字 birthday(n) 生日 gift (n)禮物;補充: present (n)禮物
*birthday gift 生日禮物、birthday party生日派對、 birthday cake生日蛋糕、birthday card 生日卡片 This is a _____________. (利用下面的圖片代換練習)

9 LESSON 6 單字 busy (adj)忙碌的 *a busy day 忙碌的一天
*The phone is busy.(電話忙線中。) *文法1:be busy with 事情 造句:他忙於回家功課。 He is busy with his homework *文法2: be busy (in) V-ing 造句: 這位女士忙於講電話。 The woman is busy talking on the telephone.

10 LESSON 6 單字 prepare (v)準備 *prepare 物 for 人 What is the woman doing?
The woman is preparing breakfast for her children. How about the athlete(n)運動員? She is preparing to run.

11 LESSON 6 單字 build (v)建造;蓋(房子) new (adj) 新的 house(n) 房子 paint (v)油漆;繪畫
*painter(n)畫家、painting (n)畫畫 造句: 他們正在蓋一棟房子 They are building a house. 造句:他正在粉刷這棟新房子 He is painting the new house.

12 LESSON 6 單字 jump (v)跳;跳躍 around(adv)到處;在周圍 例句: 這隻狗到處跳來跳去。
The dog is jumping around. You jump. I jump.

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