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June Afternoon by Roxette

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1 June Afternoon by Roxette

2 Didn't I tell you everything is possible in this deja vu?

3 feed the pigeons, Bar-B-Q
Try the river boat, the carousel, feed the pigeons, Bar-B-Q 試試坐上這船,這喧鬧的酒會, 餵餵那些鴿子、試試BBQ

4 Look at all the people, happy faces all around.
看看這些人 到處都是快樂的臉孔 Smiling, throwing kisses, busy making lazy sounds. 微笑著 給著飛吻 忙著製造那些慵懶的聲音

5 Wah-wah! Here comes the sun. 哇 哇 太陽出來了
It‘s a bright June afternoon, it never gets dark. 這是個美好的六月下午 永遠都不會變暗 Wah-wah! Here comes the sun 哇 哇 太陽出來了

6 Get your green, green tambourine, let's play in the park.
準備好你的綠色小鼓 我們一起到公園玩吧 Wah-wah! Here comes the sun 哇 哇 太陽出來了

7 Some folks are on blankets, slowly daydreaming and reaching for their food. 有些人裹著毛巾悠閒地在做白日夢

8 Let's go buy an ice-cream and a magazine with an attitude,
讓我們去買個冰淇淋 一本自己喜歡的雜誌

9 and put on a cassette we can pretend that you‘re a star
放點音樂我們可以假裝你 個明星 cos life's so very simple just like la-la-la 因為生活是如此簡單 就像首歌一樣

10 Wah-wah! Here comes the sun. 哇 哇 太陽出來了
It‘s a bright June afternoon, it never gets dark. 這是個美好的六月下午 永遠都不會變暗 Wah-wah! Here comes the sun 哇 哇 太陽出來了

11 Get your green, green tambourine, let's play in the park.
準備好你的綠色小鼓 我們一起到公園玩吧 Wah-wah! Here comes the sun 哇 哇 太陽出來了

12 There's a painter painting
his masterpiece. 有個畫家正在畫他的曠世鉅作 There are some squirrels jumping in the trees, 有幾隻松鼠在樹上跳來跳去

13 All my life I've longed for this afternoon.
There's a wide-eyed boy with a red balloon. 有一個大眼睛的男生握著一個紅汽球 All my life I've longed for this afternoon. 我一輩子都在渴望這樣的一個下午 

14 Wah-wah! Here comes the sun. 哇 哇 太陽出來了
It‘s a bright June afternoon, it never gets dark. 這是個美好的六月下午 永遠都不會變暗 Wah-wah! Here comes the sun 哇 哇 太陽出來了

15 Get your green, green tambourine, let's play in the park.
準備好你的綠色小鼓 我們一起到公園玩吧 Wah-wah! Here comes the sun 哇 哇 太陽出來了

16 Question1 In the second section, what does the singer suggest to do in the June afternoon?

17 Question 2 What does the boy’s image in the painter’s masterpiece?

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