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Guide to a successful PowerPoint design – simple is best

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1 Guide to a successful PowerPoint design – simple is best
Use the template wisely, make design amends that help your communication, do not alter the core design of the slide. Use only one key message per slide. If you have more than one message, use more slides. Some argue the target number of words on a slide should be 6. Limit the amount of text on each slide, and include copy in your notes. Maintain a consistent design throughout - colours, fonts, graphics and images.

2 把证据带进临床 BMJ Best Practice . 2014 Design tips - narrative
Always consider your audience, who are they, what do they expect, how much will they know, what are the key messages they need to take away? Tell a story - have a beginning a middle and an end. Slides should follow a natural progression. Remember the three times rule - tell your audience what you are going to tell them, tell it, and then summarise it. Design tips – colour and images Avoid using all the available colours. Blue is always our core colour, try not to use more than 2 secondary colours from the palette and only one secondary colour can be used on any given slide. Use images carefully. They should help the audience relate slide information to real world situations. Always ensure good legibility is maintained when text is placed over images. Do not use clipart. Use graphics after careful consideration. Only use them if it adds to the communication. Additional logos – for partners or other parties you co-present with – please place the logo in the bottom right hand corner

3 Types of Evidence-based Information
Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses Cohort Studies Case Control Studies Case Series Case Reports Ideas, Editorials, Opinion Full-Text Journal Articles Randomised Controlled Double Blind Studies Source: Medical Research Library of Brooklyn

4 The burden of evidence is significant
…although figures vary 35,000 biomedical journal articles published annually 150,000 articles / month 120,000 RCT/year 500,000 articles are indexed in PubMed every year

5 临床决策(诊疗系统)之效率 15个城市,121家三甲医院,7321份问卷 工具 应用比例 解决时长 Google 49% 31分钟 百度
47% 27分钟 丁香園 46% ?? 清华同方 33% 33分钟 万方数据 31% 37分钟 Pubmed 21% 46分钟 ,邓白氏调查

6 临床决策(诊疗系统)之效率 项目 时间比例 全文效力 (5分制) 结论 治疗 79.2% 1.72 無效 继续教育 11.1% 2.88
2581名中国临床医生调查 Study to show effectiveness of full-text for various purposes of a clinicians time 有73.7%即使完全读懂全文内容(中文/英文),仍对其临床诊疗无任何帮助(5分制选0分和1分)。 项目 时间比例 全文效力 (5分制) 结论 治疗 79.2% 1.72 無效 继续教育 11.1% 2.88 有限 研究 8.6% 4.69 推薦 其他 1.1% NA ,邓白氏调查

7 Why Best Practice? – 权威 全新的临床决策指导工具
Brand new approach to clinical decision support 全球6,000多知名临床专家执笔撰写 Written, compiled and reviewed by over 6,000 experts around the world 提供国际权威指南和定制国内标准和指南 Provides NICE Guidelines and allows for adding of institutional guidelines locally

8 Why Best Practice? – 高效 包括基础,预防,诊断,治疗和随访等各个关键环节的内容
Content patient consultation from Basics, Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment to Follow-up 疾病评估专论及鉴别诊断包含超过10,000项诊断指引,让临床医生能迅速解答临床问题 Includes over 10,000 diagnoses in Assessments and Differential Diagnosis to help clinicians answer questions quickly

9 Why Best Practice? – 高效 把循证医学带进临床
Brings EBM practice into the Clinical Practice setting 连接Martindale药典 Direct access to drug database – Martindale 远程访问和移动电话版本 Remote access and mobile phone access

10 Best Practice主要提供两种标准结构界面
Content Best Practice主要提供两种标准结构界面 疾病诊治标准界面 提供疾病的详细内容,包括诊断治疗等讯息。

11 Best Practice主要提供两种标准结构界面
Content Best Practice主要提供两种标准结构界面 分析评估界面 分析症状(e.g., chronic cough) 临床发现(e.g., peripheral oedema) 诊断测试结果 (e.g., metabolic acidosis)

12 A Case Example

13 A Case Example 临床问题: A 70-year-old man is discovered by a family member to have difficulty speaking and extreme balance difficulty. The family member brings him to you in the Emergency Ward. He was last known to be fully functional 1 hour ago when the family member spoke to him by phone. There is a history of treated hypertension and diabetes. How should you proceed with assessing and managing this patient?

14 Where to begin? - Symptom Searching
A Case Example Where to begin? - Symptom Searching (症状查寻)

15 A Case Example Find your results (查寻结果)

16 A Case Example Assessment Details (分析内容)

17 Differential Diagnosis (鉴别诊断 )
A Case Example Differential Diagnosis (鉴别诊断 )

18 A Case Example Condition Details (疾病内容 )

19 Diagnosis – History & Examination (诊断 – 病史与检查)
A Case Example Diagnosis – History & Examination (诊断 – 病史与检查)

20 A Case Example Diagnosis – Tests (实验室检查 )

21 Diagnosis – Step-by-Step (诊断步骤)
A Case Example Diagnosis – Step-by-Step (诊断步骤)

22 A Case Example 治疗具体方法: 确认患者群 +选择治疗方案

23 Treatment – 进入“马丁代尔”药典查看更多药物作用信息
A Case Example Treatment – 进入“马丁代尔”药典查看更多药物作用信息

24 Step-by-Step – Supported by Evidence
A Case Example Step-by-Step – Supported by Evidence

25 Step-by-Step – Supported by Evidence
A Case Example Step-by-Step – Supported by Evidence

26 Other Features

27 Images for reference 提供大量彩色图像
Other Features Images for reference 提供大量彩色图像

28 Browse through Clinical Evidence content

29 Full Content from Clinical Evidence

30 Thank You Web:
BMJ Publishing Group Limited All rights reserved.


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