Unit6 Let’s Go Further Module2 Diaries.

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1 Unit6 Let’s Go Further Module2 Diaries

2 Studying Aims: 1、掌握故事中讲 到的知识点 2、继续学习祈使句的类型 3、正确、有感情地朗读课 4、会续编童话故事

3 Part 1 Story Time

4 Who is Jack? Jack: Jack is a common(普通的), fairy tale(童话) name. He is young, poor or foolish(愚钝的), but through the luck and wisdom, he fights against the difficulties.

5 Learn More 《杰克与豌豆》有许多版本,其中最普及的是1890年约瑟夫.雅各布(Joseph Jacobs)的版本。
《杰克与豌豆》Jack and the Beanstalk)是一则著名的英国童话。《杰克与豌豆》和另一则英国童话《巨人杀手杰克》(Jack the Giant Killer)有着类似的故事元素与情结。 《杰克与豌豆》有许多版本,其中最普及的是1890年约瑟夫.雅各布(Joseph Jacobs)的版本。 (注释 Beanstalk”的意义是指豌豆的茎。)

6 Text Learning Jack and his mother had no money. They had no food to eat. One day, Jack’s mother said, “This is no good. We have no food. Go to the market and sell our cow.”

7 第一段知识点 They had no food to eat.这里” to eat“是”to do“不定式结构放在名词后面作了定语,修饰此名词,翻译成”我们没有能够吃的食物了。 e.g. The young mother is busy, she has a baby to look after.

8 Go to the market and sell our cow.”

9 祈使句的学习(2 )续unit5 谓语用动词原形的祈使句。 Be careful. 小心。
Have a good time. 愿你玩得痛快。 Come this way, please. 请这边走。 Go home at once. 马上回家去。 【注】有时为了加强语气,可在动词前加do: Do be careful. 务请小心。 Do come on time. 务必请准时来。

10 与please连用的祈使句。为了使语气委婉,通常将祈使句与please连用。Please可用于祈使句的句首(其后通常不用逗号)或句末(其前通常用逗号):
Please be seated! 请坐好! Please don’t get angry. 请不要生气。 Please drive more slowly. 请开得慢一点。 Wait a minute, please. 请等一会儿。 Sit down, please. 请坐。

11 No型祈使句。这是一种特殊的祈使句,它经常由No+名词或者动词的-ing形式构成。这种祈使句多为警示语,常用于公共场所,警示或提示人们不要做某事。下面是一些常见的No型祈使句:
No photos ! 请勿拍照 No Bills 不准张贴 No Visitors 游人止步 No talking 请勿喧哗 No Passing 禁止通行 No Smoking 禁止吸烟 No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 No Fishing 不准垂钓 No Parking 禁止停放车辆 No Spitting 严禁随地吐痰 No Swimming 禁止游泳

12 On the way to the market, Jack met an old man
On the way to the market, Jack met an old man. He gave Jack five beans, but no money.“ These beans will make you rich,” said the old man.

13 第二段知识点 the market. ”on the way to +地点”表示“在去…….的路上”
,也可以说成“on one’s way to ”但是说“在回家路上”时,说成“on the way home ”不能加“to” e.g. On my way home, I met one of my old friends.

14 “Mum, I sold the cow,” shouted Jack. “Look, I’ve got five beans
“Mum, I sold the cow,” shouted Jack. “Look, I’ve got five beans.” “Five beans? That’s no good, ”said Jack’s mother angrily. “ Now we have no money and no cow!” And she threw the beans out of the window.

15 第三段知识点 I’ve got five beans. I’ve got = I have翻译成“我有……”。
e.g. I’ve got an apple and a pear to eat. e.g. She’s got a skirt to match(搭配) her shoes.其反义疑问句要说成“hasn‘t she?”

16 The beans grew taller and taller
The beans grew taller and taller. And the next day, Jack saw a big beanstalk in the garden. He climbed up the beanstalk and found 5 gold coins. “Hooray!” he shouted. “We’re rich!”

17 第四段知识点 taller and taller翻译成“变得越来越高了”。
e.g. It‘s getting colder and colder. 天气变得越来越冷。

18 Read after me.

19 Part 2 Did you know? (see on page27)

20 Part3 More Words 1.Look at the pictures match the words. root woods
trunk branch

21 Part3 Homework Read more stories about Jack in the book ”Jack and the Beanstalk”(《杰克与豌豆》) and write down your opinion about him.

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